Lin Fei laughed and said, "these are just small problems. I'm sure I will have my own powers."

"Well, I believe you."

Since Lin Fei didn't mind, the girl couldn't say anything.

She tightened her tight towel and planned to turn back to take a bath. She was only half washed when she was infuriated by the news.

But when she was ready to turn around and leave, the card suddenly vibrated.

She picked it up and looked. What's the news?

But when you see clearly, her willow eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

"Ice rose, do you have time? Come out and get together. It's in my house."

That's it.

If you look at the person who sent the message, it is the young man who has just become the S-level ability, that man named Qingfeng.

Buzzing -

the card vibrated again, and a message came from Qingfeng.

"The guild has given me a large bottle of wine to chat with."

The girl's pretty face was covered with frost.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Fei saw that the water droplets on the girl's body had been frozen into frost, and quickly asked, "are you ok?"

"It's OK. Look at this."

She handed the card to Lin Fei. She took a deep breath. It was not worth being angry for such a person.

Lin Fei took the card and saw the two messages, frowning slightly.

At this time, the third sentence came.

"After a circle, my home is quite big, clean and tidy, and the bed is very soft. If you are tired from playing, we can go to bed directly."

Qingfeng's words are very direct and explicit.

Lin Fei's face was covered with cold.

Just now he didn't care about the other side took his booty, now, he seems to care a little.

He immediately returned the message with the girl's card.

"Do you dare to send an invitation like this when you take our booty and pretend to be S-level?"

Lin Fei sent a message: "at noon today, you are not so calm."

On the other side.

Qingfeng was stunned when he received these two messages.

"They killed it."

He frowned, but before long he had a grim smile.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. As long as I explain that I played this thing first, and let the whole assembly believe it, I'm really S-class."

"As long as there are more people on my side than they are, I am just, and they will only become drowning dogs that everyone yells at!"

Bullying is called bullying.

Ten people bully one person, which is also called bullying.

If a hundred people bully one, it's still called bullying.

"A thousand people bully one, that's justice." Qingfeng grimly smile: "as long as standing on my side of the people more, even if it is crooked, I can also break into straight."

Thinking of this, he made a decisive move and first sent a message to the guild.

And then he sent the message to the girl.

"You say so."

Qingfeng said with a smile, "do you think they will believe you?"

"In time, you'll only stain your reputation and think you're here to rub off on me!"

The girl stood next to Lin Fei. When she saw the words on the card, she immediately reached out and grabbed the card with both hands.

"Are we still afraid of you?"

Send this sentence to go back, immediately feel a lot of relaxed mood.

But it felt a little strange.

The body is cool, especially the lower body. I feel the wind blowing.

Look down.


The card fell to the floor.

Lin Fei has been silly for a long time.


A scream made the whole villa tremble. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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