Everyone is looking at the girl and Lin Fei, their eyes are full of ridicule and contempt, as if they are looking at two garbage.

They spoke in a loud voice with disdain on their faces, which was intended to be heard by the girl and Lin Fei.

"I checked, this man's name is Lin Fei, strength is e level, you have not heard wrong, e class ah!"

Hearing this, a group of people laughed.

"Hahaha --"

"E-class, just E-class, also want to pass off as S-level? Are you not afraid to be killed by an ordinary zombie? "

"It's a shame. The E-Class dares to reach out to the S-class. Is there any royal law in the world? It's a black curtain! "

"It is strongly recommended to re test the ice rose. Maybe her s-grade is also obtained through some shady transaction!"

"Yes, after all, she is so beautiful that many people will like it..."

their words are more and more excessive.

Lin Fei and the girl are attacked by all sides.

The girl stopped her pace and looked at the people around her coldly. She found that they were getting closer and closer and completely surrounded them.

They are laughing, as if more and more ferocious, almost become a devil.


"Do you want to do it?"

"This is a guild. If you dare to touch us, you will soon become a street mouse yelled by everyone!"

The girl clenched her fist tightly, but she didn't fight out.

Lin Fei looked down at the girl and found that her face was white with anger. Then she took a look at the people around who seemed to be devils and sighed a long time.

"Let's go." He said, pulling the girl around and leaving.

"Go, ha ha ha --"

when Lin Fei left with the girl, they all laughed louder.

Qingfeng was in the corner, watching all this happen, until Lin Fei and the girl left, his mouth slightly raised, with a smile of disdain.

"You are still too young to fight me."

"When all the people are on my side, you will become evil even if you are just."

Lin Fei took the girl away. He saw the girl with her head down and said nothing, but her clenched fist had not been released.

He's a little worried about girls.

Worried about the girl's heart will be broken.

"Sister Rose, big brother."

At this time, Lin Fei and the girl heard a tender voice coming from the front.

Lin Fei and the girl looked forward and saw a little boy. He was smiling at Lin Fei and the girl. He was very naive and said, "I believe you."

Lin Fei smiles and rubs the little boy's head and says, "thank you."

"I should say thank you." The little boy said, "you came to save us. I won't forget that day."

Lin Fei smiles.

Oh, I forgot when I saved the little boy.

But he's still cute.

"Don't run around outside." Lin Fei said with a smile, "the world is too chaotic now. Go home quickly."

Lin Fei left with the girl.

He didn't look back at the rally.

"Get out of this assembly!"

"You are not welcome here!"

As they walked away, there was still such a sound.

Two people are drenched in the rain to leave, this day is bad like the girl's mood now.

Villa, the girl finally can not help, she asked Lin Fei: "these people are too much, why don't you prove yourself, let these people shut up."

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