"What kind of power can make all blades disappear in a moment?" What kind of power is this?

Only the girl showed a faint smile.

Bang Bang -

Qingfeng staggers back two steps, which makes people's ability to lose power. It's really terrible.

Looking at the approaching Lin Fei, the cold sweat on the forehead of Qingfeng is like a waterfall, as if to see a terrible monster.

"If I can't kill you, I'll kill someone you like!"

Qingfeng roars and displays his unique skill again, but this time the target is not Lin Fei, but the girl not far away.

Originally, the distance was very close, and the girl was unprepared for another time, coupled with the large number of wind blades.

Flash and meteor swordsmen both feel the girl is in danger.

But the wind blades all over the sky were swept away from the girl's side, and none of them was chopped on the girl's body!

Flash "...

meteor swordsman"...

they look at Qingfeng speechless, so they can attack the wrong side, think about it carefully, and they are also a unique genius.

Qingfeng was shocked.

He's attacking in a wide range. How can this be biased?

Dada --

staggering back two steps, pale face, this is the sky standing on the side of Lin Fei and the girl?

But they don't know.

This is the power of cause and effect.

When Lin Fei said "can go home together" in the villa, the power of cause and effect was bestowed on the girl.


At this time, Lin Fei made a move.

He took a step forward and hit Qingfeng on the chest.


An air wave swept far and far away. The dark clouds in the sky were torn by this fist. After several days of rain, the warm sunshine fell on the ground.

And Qingfeng is gone.

Lin Fei was beaten to powder by Lin Fei's fist, and his ashes were raised.

Lin Fei clapped the dust that did not exist on her hand, and then went to the girl and said, "go, go back to eat."

"I was pulled out early this morning. I wasn't full."

It's like nothing happened just now.

The girl laughed and said, "you know how to eat."

"You eat the most." Lin Fei retorted.

Looking at the two people gradually away, the three people are a little lost, meteor swordsman looked up at the sun, some dazzling.

"Is this the best in the world?"

He sighed and said, "it's really too powerful. The legend says it's right. He may be a God."

"Fart possibilities." Flash glared at him and said, "you're just numb by electricity, but you're not blind by electricity. He's God, OK?"

Until they disappeared.

The meteor swordsman sighed: "I don't feel like these two people are living in the end of the world. They are so envious that they want to die."

Flash heavy nod: "I am so sour."

Lin Fei and the girl went back to the villa. It was already noon, so the girl took a bath and ran into the kitchen to cook.

Listening to the singing from the kitchen, Lin Fei can be sure that the girl is in a very good mood.

It was almost blackened in the morning.

"Ah." Lin Fei sighed: "women are really fickle creatures. You can't guess, you can't guess."

Now the girl is really in a good mood.

One is that Lin Fei has finally acquired the power; the other is that Lin Fei has finally proved himself.

Seeing the shocked expression on their faces, the girl was proud and proud, and almost couldn't help laughing.

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