If you want to find a deity, you don't know when to find it. It's better to find a place to live in. Otherwise, it's too tired to move a place every few days.

And then plant dishes, raise a few chickens, delicious.

The girl looked at Lin Fei and asked, "what do you want to do?"

Lin Fei said with a smile, "grow vegetables and raise chickens."


The girl didn't hold back and laughed.

This is the first time that she heard someone say such a thing in the end of the world. She wants to grow vegetables and raise chickens in the end of the world, but she feels that Lin Fei can do these things.

"And when shall we leave?" Asked the girl.

"Tomorrow." Lin Fei said, "ask them with a card. Where is the meeting?"

The girl nodded and decisively asked the meteor swordsman and flash with the card.

"There's a rally in e city next door." The meteor swordsman replied.

Thank you very much

Lin Fei has been excited: "I hope there are Titan generators in e city."

The girl said: "I remember e city is not small, you can go to the power station to look for it, maybe you can find it."

This afternoon, the girl and Lin Fei didn't go anywhere and stayed in the villa.

Until the next morning.

Two people left the villa, furniture and other do not need to clean up, because Lin Fei more than use up.

Only the girl had to burn her clothes.

Last night, the meteor swordsman sent the girl the direction to e city through the card, so this time Lin Fei and the girl don't have to worry about getting lost.

The hospital, the same ward, was bandaged again.

The meteor swordsman sat next to him and said, "they are gone. I can't find the ice rose in my address book."

"So soon?" Flash sighed: "although I know I will go, I didn't expect to see you off so soon."

The meteor swordsman said, "it's not like living in the end of the world. It's just a vacation tour. I'm so envious."

"Yes." The flash sighs again.

At this moment, the door of the ward opened slowly and a white figure came in.

When the flash saw the figure, his face was white.

"I wipe, it's you again!" The flash exclaimed excitedly.

Because the one who came in was a nurse who had given him porridge before!

"It's time for breakfast." The nurse said, "now you can only eat porridge."

A flash of despair.

At the beginning, because of the change of heaven and earth, he escaped a disaster.

But now, where to find the change of heaven and earth? He's dead.

According to the direction pointed out by the meteor swordsman, Lin Fei flies with the girl.

"Linfei, I feel like you are flying faster." Said the girl in surprise.

Lin Fei's speed is more than ten times faster than before, so the original action, in the eyes of the monster, is like blinking.

Originally, under the super speed blessing of the modifier, his speed was very fast. Now he wakes up his instinct, and the speed becomes more terrifying. If Lin Fei wants to, he can be faster than light.

I was wondering if there was a powerful enemy that even the modifier couldn't beat?

But yesterday Linfei realized that there was no more.

The first ability of cause and effect is always better than the enemy.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, how against the sky, Lin Fei will always be stronger than the other side.

But I won't die, but I won't lose.

Invincible is how lonely.

It's only a few minutes for Lin Fei to get from one city to another.

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