Lin Fei closed his hand and saw the frightened and shocked look on the face of the matchless sword girl and the Lord of fire, and realized that he needed to say something.

So the mind turned.

He patted his chest, a look of fear, said: "fortunately, I'm a little better than this bull, otherwise it will be dangerous."

The Lord of the fire and the sword without two had no words.

One shot, second kill, that's a little stronger?

Seeing everything today, they only feel that the whole world has become strange.

There is also "a little bit", and they feel that they need to redefine the meaning of these three words.

"Are you really just promoted to s?" Wushuang Jianji asked seriously.

"I just came up today." Lin Fei nodded and said, "originally I didn't want to upgrade, but the guild decided to upgrade me to s level."

"The guild makes its own decisions?" Wushuang Jianji was stunned.

She had never heard of such a situation. On second thought, it must be because the guild knew that Lin Fei was very strong, so she urgently needed his help.

Just the first time to promote him to s level!

The Lord of the fire stayed for a long time and finally came back to himself. Looking at Lin Fei, he said, "I lost this time."

"The name of the Lord of fire is yours now, but you should not be happy too soon. Sooner or later, I will surpass you and take back the name from you."

Leave this sentence and he turns and runs away.

Lin Fei yelled at his back: "I don't need this thing!"

Who wants the secondary two?

It's not as good as your own name.

Wushuang Jianji looked at Lin Fei with a complicated complexion and said, "this name, but what he values very much, you don't care so much."

Lin Fei did not care: "life does not bring, death does not take, and can not eat, what is the use?"

The matchless sword was lost in thought.

And when she comes back to her senses, Lin Fei has gone far with the girl.

This time, he got 50000 points.

"See what's good in the store." Lin Fei said.

When he opened the store, only the power fruit caught his eye, but this was the power fruit before the third change.

Lin Fei suddenly had a bold guess.

"Heaven and earth have changed, human beings and zombies have become stronger, so what about powers? Will it get stronger? "

Hearing Lin Fei's conjecture, the girl's eyes narrowed slightly, nodded and said, "it's very possible. Now everything seems to be evolving. The IQ of the bull seems to be much higher."

"Let's find a way to get some new power fruits back." Lin Fei said.

This so big e city, there must be power fruit.

Lin Fei is going to ask someone.

Wushuang Jianji is about to leave when a gust of wind blows, which makes her tense and makes her nervous.

The enemy?

"Don't be nervous."

Some familiar sounds rang out. She looked at her side and felt relieved. It was Lin Fei.

"Do you know where there are power fruits?" Lin Fei asked.

After thinking about it, it's the most reliable way to ask a level s ability.

All guilds in the world are famous for being stingy. Asking them for S is the best choice.

"The fruit of power?"

Wushuang Jianji frowned slightly: "yes, in the suburbs 40 miles north of the rally, it will mature tomorrow."

Thank you very much Lin Fei said, "I'll give you one."

Then he turned and left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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