
This monster is extremely flexible. When the wind has no trace, it jumps to the side to avoid the wind without trace.

After a loud noise, a three meter long mark appeared where the monster had stood.

And the monster immediately looked at the wind without trace, his eyes suddenly burst out two compelling lights.

"Little skills."

Wind traceless cold hum, raised his hand, there is a strong wind around his side.

The two flashes of light split on the gale and were immediately bounced away.

And he immediately seize the opportunity to hand, behind a strong wind, he is like a meteorite kick toward the monster, the wind he whirled around, he is like a drill bit.


A loud noise, the earth shaking, smoke filled.

And the monster has once again avoided the wind traceless attack.


Just when the crowd was cold, the two blades broke the thick smoke, and suddenly whirled out of them and chopped at the monster.

As a result, the monster swung its tail and cut out a blade of wind horizontally!


The three wind blades collide and explode immediately. The strong wind directly lifts several people who are close to each other and flies out.

"I wipe, fairy fight, run, run!"

When you get close to the scene, you are afraid to run away.

"The battle of the gods!"

Someone said so.

But in Lin Fei's eyes, it's like two children fighting.


A blade of wind without trace collided with the monster's lightning, and there was another loud noise. The air wave shocked one man and one monster back two steps.

"It's true that the wind has no trace. It's so powerful to be able to draw with such a monster!"

A group of people praised.

Lin Fei can't see it anymore. It's gaudy and has no power at all.

His eyes fell on the power fruit.

It's just a little short of it!

It's about to mature!

At this time, wind traceless and the monster also noticed the maturing power fruit, and ran toward the power fruit at the same time.

The monster has four legs and runs very fast.

But the wind traceless unexpectedly relied on the speed of the strong wind to catch up with him. For a time, he was as fast as this monster!


The wind is traceless, less than ten meters from the fruit.

The last green color of the fruit finally disappeared and turned into a golden apple, shining!


At this time, a figure suddenly appeared, calmly picked the fruit of the power, and then put it into the pocket.

Lin Fei patted his pocket with satisfaction and said, "this wave is stable."

No trace of the wind, that quickly rushed to the monster, all stopped, shocked to look at the hill slope of Lin Fei.

He appeared too suddenly.

Other people who are watching the play are also stunned. They are still wondering who will get the power fruit first?

As a result, Lin Fei appeared like this. He just came out of thin air. He picked the fruit of the power before one person and one monster.

In front of so many people, in front of the wind and monsters!

"When did he go up?"

People's minds are full of question marks, unable to understand this wave of operation.

But when Linfei picked off the power fruit, the originally golden leaves on this small tree were withering rapidly, and then fell to the ground.

"The tree is dead?"

Everyone was taken aback, and the result was beyond their expectation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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