"If you don't get rid of him, you can't attack this rally." "But I don't think I can kill this force."

"I still don't know how powerful he is..."

"what should I do?"

The fangs only feel the pain of the skull.



He suddenly brightened his eyes and said: "although his strength is unfathomable, the girl around him is not strong. Maybe we can start from her!"

"When the time comes to deceive him hundreds of kilometers away, or threaten to forbid him to do so, is it not simple to attack this rally?"

Just think about it.

"If you threaten him and don't let him do it, the risk is too high. If you accidentally hurt the girl, you will feel the ashes will be lifted off."

"It's safer to cheat him away, so that he can't come back for several days!"


He suddenly had a better idea.

"Take all the s-levels and spread them all over the country, and then you can delay for a longer time!"

Thinking of this, a cold smile appeared on his face.

"Any valuable information?"

In the villa, the girl inquired curiously.

"No "The news is too tight," sighed Lin Fei

The girl immediately comforted Lin Fei: "it's OK. Anyway, we still have a long time. We can definitely find it and go home."

"Make your favorite dish tonight." The girl added.

Lin Fei looks at the girl and suddenly finds that she is more and more lovely. She has learned to comfort others.

While they were having dinner, the fangs of the meeting broke.

He walked into the yard of matchless Jianji with a smile.

Because he is S-level, no one would have thought that he would make a move. Wushuang Jianji was attacked by him and passed out when he was unprepared.

"It's too much trouble for me to do this alone."

Looking at the matchless sword girl who fell on the ground, the broken God fangs fell into meditation, and then her eyes brightened: "I should find a helper."

It thought of the wind without trace.

He was found in the villa with no trace of wind.

At the beginning, the wind traceless is still a human, but now, he has finally become a monster.

Because of the strong strength of Feng Wuji, after he became a zombie, his strength soared, and he had the ability to disguise human beings like the fangs of God breaking.

"A wise choice." Broken God fangya said with a smile.

"You said it well before." Wind no trace also smile: "I really feel the real power, before I always felt that I was incomparable, but now I understand how fragile I used to be."

"Now I feel like a punch can kill myself before."

He looked at his fist with a smile and said, "now I'm looking forward to meeting Lin Fei."

Originally, the fangs of duanshen were laughing.

But suddenly hearing the name, he couldn't laugh.

I was happy today, but when I heard the name, all the happiness disappeared.

Broken God fangs silent, patted the wind traceless shoulder, said earnestly: "don't go to death, you are not his opponent."

"Don't talk about you. I'm not sure I'll beat him myself."

"Well?" The wind has no trace Leng for a while, then smile way: "are you kidding?"

"No matter how strong he is, he is just a man. How can the race abandoned by the gods fight against us?"

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