The broken God fangs took the matchless Jianji to the mountain a hundred miles away and trapped her in a cave.

Boom -

when it came here, four fortified oxen came slowly and bowed their heads in front of the broken God fangs.


When the Lord of fire saw this in the dark, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"How can those beefed up Bulls

Looking at the scene in front of him, he thought that the broken God fangs would secretly bring Wushuang Jianji. Suddenly, he had a bold idea that made him afraid.

"He betrayed us." The Lord of fire's eyes narrowed and fixed his eyes on the fangs.

Duanshen Fangfang didn't know he was being followed.

It looked at the four fortified bulls and said, "look here. Don't let anyone in, but don't hurt anyone inside. She's very useful to me."

The four oxen nodded.

"How can I cheat that girl out?" He continued to ponder on this issue.

Suddenly my eyes lit up.

"Thought of it!"

"Send her a message and cheat her to come here alone."

Thinking of this, duanshen fanga sneers and takes out the card to send a message to Ye Yuxue.

It certainly doesn't say it directly and clearly.

In the villa.

The girl was preparing to cook dinner when the card suddenly vibrated and let her put down the vegetables she was cleaning.

"Who is it?"

She picked up the card curiously. When she saw the news above, Liu Mei's face became serious immediately.

"I'm an S-level ability with broken God fangs. I just got the news that Wushuang Jianji was seriously injured and is now trapped with a survivor. The situation is very dangerous."

"Ask for your help."

And then there's a map in the back.

"Not good."

The girl didn't even wash the dishes, so she ran back to her room to find Lin Fei.

"What's the matter?" Lin Fei does not understand, the girl is not going to cook, how suddenly panic, is the kitchen ordered?

"Something happened to the matchless sword girl." The girl handed the card to Lin Fei and said, "haven't you received the message?"

Lin Fei frowned after reading the news.

I picked up my card and looked at it. There was nothing on it.

"I didn't get a message, probably because I was too good." Lin Fei sighs and returns with the girl's card: "are the survivors beautiful?"

On the other side, when he saw this sentence, he couldn't help being stunned.

"How could she send such a message?"

"Does she really like women?"

Thinking of this, duanshen Fangfang looks inexplicable. He can't help thinking of Lin Fei and murmuring: "I thought they were lovers. I didn't expect that the woman didn't like men."

"I thought Lin Fei was very strong. Now it seems that he is really miserable."

The fangs of duanshen didn't hold back and finally laughed.

"Hahaha --"

"well done, green him!"

However, he didn't realize that Lin Fei had sent this sentence...

so he replied casually in a good mood.


"The survivor is beautiful!"

On the other side, Lin Fei was stunned when he saw the reply.

A drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead, because he felt the chill from his side. When he looked sideways, he saw the girl staring at himself coldly.

"Hum, pervert."

Seeing Lin Fei look over, the girl snorted coldly and turned her head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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