Broken God fangs nearly collapsed, roared at Lin Fei and said, "who are you? Are you really just becoming S-class?"

"Lin Fei." He answered honestly: "the forest with luxuriant trees flies into the sky."

"As for this S-class, I really just became an S-class." "But before that, many people called me number one in the world," Lin said

"No.1 in the world!"

The fangs of Duan God glared and cried out these four words in horror, which were heard by all the people present.

Who hasn't heard of the legend of four arrows killing the corpse tide?

Many mothers will tell the legend of the world's first when their children are afraid. When many people are desperate, they will remember the first story in the world.

It is a legend, a myth and the last hope.

A lot of people don't think it's true.

This is just a fantasy in despair, just as in ancient times, people fantasized about gods in the face of disasters, and now people fantasize about being the first in the world in the last world.

Many people know in their hearts that the most powerful legend in the world is actually a bubble that can be broken with a poke.

However, now, today, at this time, they are now, the man known as the number one in the world, unexpectedly appeared!

"He's not a legend?"

"Does he really exist?"

Everyone was excited to lean against the wall, a pair of double eyes are staring round, staring at the figure alone in the face of thousands of troops.

"It must be true. Apart from the legendary number one in the world, I can't think of anyone who can scare off the tide of corpses with a glance!"

They have always thought that the number one in the world is people's fantasy in despair.

But when they saw it with their own eyes, many of them couldn't help crying.

It's just four words.

They seem to see the dazzling hope and feel a strong sense of security.

"Mom, is that the number one in the world?"

The children's eyes are full of vision: "I will be as strong as him in the future."

Lin Fei didn't know what a sensation he had made when he said that sentence.

He just looked at the broken God fangs in front of him indifferently and said, "brother, your road is narrow."

The fangs of duanshen retreated in panic.

There is only one person who makes zombies alert most after becoming a zombie. It wants to fight with the first in the world and wants to meet the strongest legend of human beings.

Now when the world's first one really stands in front of him, the broken God fangs even have no strength and courage to stand up.


The powerful ones are ridiculous.

I'm afraid the legend is not false. The number one in the world really has the ability to level off the corpse tide with four arrows.

Lin Fei takes a step forward.

The corpse tide stepped back two steps. They all felt that there was something wrong with the man in front of them, and they were afraid subconsciously.

When Lin Fei squatted in front of the fangs of the God broken, the corpse tide retreated to 100 meters away.

"I want to ask you something." Lin Fei said with a smile: "if you answer up, I will give you a good death, if you can't answer up, you will become eight paragraphs."

The fangs of duanshen are desperate. They are all dead words.

"Do you know the gods?" Lin Fei asked mysteriously.

Broken God fangya nodded and said, "I know."

Lin Fei's eyes lit up and asked, "do you know where the gods are?"

"I don't know." The fangs shook his head and said, "I just saw gods in my dream." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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