With a great surprise, Lin Fei and the girl finally met the legendary master of light.

He has long snow-white hair, pale skin against the pale pink lips, beautiful and prominent facial features, perfect face shape, especially the dazzling diamond earrings in his left ear, which adds a trace of unruly to his sunshine.


"How handsome

The gate is full of cheers. People are excited to cry when they see this man.

Lin Fei and the girl have no other feelings.

"Since he is called the master of light, his powers should be able to control light." Lin Fei said.

The girl nodded and said, "it must be right."

"That's good." Lin Fei sighed: "looks handsome, ability is bright."

The girl immediately white Lin Fei one eye.

In terms of appearance, Lin Fei is much more handsome than the master of light. In terms of strength, Lin Fei is the best in the world.

Heaven and earth are the best in the world.

Who can have such a title?

The girl thought, perhaps because Lin Fei is too strong, so looking at these weak people in front of her, she suddenly envies their weakness.

After all, the weak will feel happy when upgrading.

Looking up at Lin Fei, suddenly she also felt invincible loneliness.

In front of them, these people kept cheering. Their eyes were full of admiration and worship. It was like seeing the biggest hero and the most powerful God in the world.

It was not until the master of light went far that the girl broke the ice under her feet.

"Come on, go to the guild." Lin Fei takes the girl away.

Both of them have registered in the union. These are very simple things. Just swipe the card.

But the waiter who swiped the card for two people was scared.

All of a sudden, I saw two s-levels, and the hands holding the cards were shaking.

After the registration, Lin Fei entered the store to see if there were any good things.

"Powers are cheap." Lin Fei was surprised and said, "you can buy one with only 80000, which used to be 100000."

"It should be that after the change of heaven and earth, the fruits of powers become stronger, and these will be eliminated."

Lin Fei thought for a while, it should be this kind of result.

He doesn't have any points now, so he doesn't plan to buy it. What's more, he wants to buy the fruit of the power after the mutation. As the girl said, the present one has been eliminated.

Now he's just trying to find out if there's a shield, if there's a conveyor.

Unfortunately, none of them were found.

So Lin Fei went to ask the staff, "do you have any shields and transmitters?"

The staff was stunned for a moment and then said, "these things are of great military value, so they will not be sold to individuals."

Lin Fei is silent.

After thinking about it for a while, he asked, "is there any way to get it?"

"This is not going to work." The staff politely said: "the protective shield and transmitter are strategic tools. Individuals are forbidden to own these things."

Hearing this, Lin Fei bit his teeth.

Individual is forbidden, this news is very bad, Lin Fei immediately returned to the girl side, said: "a little difficult to do ah."

The girl said, "it's OK. The waiter is talking about the large transmitters that can transport fighters and tanks. Of course, it's prohibited by individuals."

"If you want to transfer a small tray for one or more people, there should be a way to get it."

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