
The old man took the lead.

Lin Fei and the girl immediately follow.

"What's the matter?" The old man's friend showed indifference and said, "you're disturbing my research."

"I'm old. What else do you study?" The old man said with a faint smile: "today is not that I want to look for you, but these two young people."

"What do you want from me?" Old man Zhang looks at Lin Fei and the girl again.

"I hear you can make transmitters." Lin Fei also became serious: "so I want to trouble you...

before Lin Fei finished, he directly interrupted Lin Fei's words and said," no time, you can go, disturb my research. "

I'll go back to the house and get ready.

Lin Fei is not angry, because he is ready to be rejected from the beginning. In this last world, who will help others?

As a result, the old man around Lin Fei suddenly said, "you wait."


The old man's face was impatient.

"I like this boy very much. What's the matter if you help him?"

He said, "what research are you working on? Let this boy help you. Why don't you get him another transmitter later

Lin Fei's eyes fell on the old man.

I didn't expect that at this time, he would speak for himself. He thought he would laugh at himself.

To be honest with you, Lin Fei is deeply moved.

However, in fact, the old man just wanted to see the picture of Lin Fei being summoned to and fro. It must be very funny. Then he would lend a helping hand and let him become his apprentice.

It's a plan!

Old man Zhang stopped and turned to look at Lin Fei. He was silent for a moment.

And then he said, "I do have something you need to help me with. If you help me solve this problem, I'll help you build the transmitter."

Lin Fei looked at old man Zhang and said, "what's the matter?"

"I'm making something that is missing some important parts. I need you to find it for me," Mr. Zhang said

"Do you know the place?" Lin Fei asked.

"Here's the map." Old man Zhang took out a big board, reached for a slide, and mapped out a map.

This is the map of the entire city of F.

There are also a lot of things on it, such as where there is food, where there is water, where is a factory...

there are several places marked in red.

In the middle, there is a blue arrow, which is where the board is.

"I've marked them all. You can go to these places and get them back." Old man Zhang said.

He refers to the place marked in red, with something important written next to it.

Lin Fei took the board and asked, "if I finish collecting materials for you today, how long can you make a transmitter for me?"

Old Zhang said, "within three days."


This speed is fast. It's within Lin Fei's acceptance range.

It's nothing to do with the materials, because from the beginning, he didn't want to go whoring for nothing.

He left with the girl.

The old man looked at the two people leaving and immediately laughed: "why don't you tell them clearly that there are S-class monsters in the factory."

"If you want something, you have to give up something. There is no free lunch in the world." "What's more, what I'm studying now is the latest and strongest transmitter," Mr. Zhang said

"If he does it for me, this transmitter will be his."

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