Lin Fei takes the girl to the third mark.

Looking at the building in front of him, Lin Fei was surprised and said, "it's not a factory, but a supermarket."

Look down at the map. It says what the old man needs.

A box of instant noodles.

"Absolutely." Lin Fei could not help but make complaints about it: "do you want to eat instant noodles when you are so old?"

But since the other party wants it, give it to the other party.

So he strode in.

And in the restaurant room opposite the supermarket, several pairs of eyes are staring here, watching them walk in.

"Two more dead."

"They don't know there's a bull guarding it."

"It's a pity, there's another girl."

They all knew that there was a bull in the supermarket, so they didn't dare to go in. Instead, they watched several groups of people go in and die.

"What wave is this week?"

"When will the bull come out?"

As the problem fell, the bull came out and was thrown out.


The bull fell into the street in confusion, and rolled several times. It knocked down five cars and collapsed a wall. Then it stopped.

The people in the room all of a sudden stare round eyes, the situation in front of them is not quite the same as they expected.

"How did the bull fly out?"

They're all stupid.

Because this is what we call seeing.

Bull, a famous S-class monster, has a strong body, is invulnerable, and has infinite force. It is like a devil coming out of hell.

Few people in the world can compete with it.

But now, such a powerful devil, even smashed the walls of the supermarket and flew out in confusion?

It's like a dream.

At this time, the man appeared with the girl.

They walked out of the supermarket calmly. The man took a look at the bull who was still struggling to get up. He even grabbed a car.


He just threw the car out and smashed the bull to death!

"Let's go." Lin Fei left with the girl, and did not return. A box of instant noodles had been put into the backpack.

And a few people in the room, all stayed.

"Did I just hallucinate?"

"That must be a fake, right?"

"That's a bull. It's so powerful that it's invincible. How could it be killed like this?"

They have never seen a man killed by a car. They can't believe what they saw today.

But at the moment, all this is really happening in front of them, so that they have to believe.

"Who was that man just now?"

"No, in this case, can he still call him a man?"

When they looked at the wall, they found that the bull had been hit by the car and flew far away, and his body was flat. His death was really miserable.

Several people actually have such a trace of sympathy for the bull.

"Too bad."

Lin Fei took the girl away, and at the same time he was surprised: "what's delicious about instant noodles? It's not good for your health. I really can't understand the old people now."

In the evening, they found all the tools and returned to the hills in the suburbs.

At this time, two old men were watching the sun set.

"You want to take that boy as a disciple?" Old man Zhang said strangely, "that boy has such a good talent, better than the master of light?"

"Of course not." The old man said with a faint smile: "the master of light is the strongest genius I have ever seen in my life for decades." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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