Immediately very precious will be taken over, carefully, said: "this thing is very precious, the world may be only such one, can not be broken."

"Do you like it so much?" Lin Fei looks strange. He can't drink it. He really doesn't understand how old people are so strange now.

So he said, "it doesn't matter if you break it. I still have it here."

said, as like as two peas.

The old man's eyes couldn't be moved.

He quickly took it and said excitedly, "it's perfect. With these two, I can make a more powerful conveyor."

"It's amazing." Lin Fei as always, no matter what you hear, you should be polite.

He said, "I still have the other parts you need, so can I go into the house? You can't have it all."

Old man Zhang recovered from his excitement.

Quickly nodded and said, "come in, come in quickly."

He went in and put the things on a table. He was so excited that he was like a three-year-old with candy.

The old man looked around in a daze.

Did Lin Fei really get everything?

"Can't it be?"

"It's absolutely impossible."

He's lying to himself.

Then Lin Fei told him what the reality was. In front of the two old men, he took out a dozen kinds of tools.

"And this, by the way."

In front of them, he took out a box of instant noodles!


Putting instant noodles on the table, Lin Fei said, "it's not that I want to tell you about you, but to tell the truth, instant noodles is good for you once in a while, and it's bad for your health to eat it often."

Both the old men were stunned.

It seems, maybe, maybe, 80% or really, he has collected all the things.

Even got instant noodles!

My God... Both the old men suspected they were wrong.

"How did you do it?" Old Zhang was almost scared out of heart disease. He always felt that it would take at least a week to collect these things.

As a result, Lin Fei took everything in half a day.

"Are these things all in the same place, and there is no monster?" He only had this guess in his mind, otherwise he could not have got it so quickly.

"Are you dreaming?" Lin Fei looked at the old man in surprise: "the map is from you, and the mark is also from you. Where are the things? Don't you have a point in your heart?"

"I got them one by one, of course."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing: "you are so old. How can you believe that you can get something for nothing?"

The two old men were choked and speechless.

One by one?

"Everything here is so far away. There are powerful monsters in it." Old man Zhang said.

"It's not far away. I don't think it's far. It's only a few seconds away." Lin Fei said with a smile, "I have to say, it's good to have a map. It's ten thousand times faster to find the location."

"As for the monster inside, I don't think it's strong. I can't stop my move anyway."

The two old men looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

How many seconds away?

If you want to know how scattered these tools are, you can almost turn around the city. How many seconds can you finish?

It's a joke.

Even if it is the master of light, it is impossible to have such a speed.

"Start to help me with the conveyor." Lin Fei said, "I have found everything for you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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