But now looking up at the man in front of him, he doesn't seem to want to let himself go... Instead, he seems to want to help him cut down the tree?

So one man and one tiger looked at each other for half a day.

"Do you want me to do it?" Lin Fei clenched his fist.

The big cat immediately jumped up from the ground, with a sharp claw, and then the towering tree collapsed.

Lin Fei said, "the bark should be removed, and the extra branches should not be needed."

Looking at the cat's face, he was at a loss.

Wait, don't you do these things?

Lin Fei also looked down at the cat and said, "do you want me to do these things?"

The cat immediately removed the bark and cut off the branches with his claws. Then he looked at Lin Fei innocuously.

"Well done. Take it and follow me." Lin Fei said.

Big cat is totally stupid this time.

No, is that really a nigger?

But when I thought about it, he couldn't beat the man in front of him. He could only bite up the tree trunk of several tons and stagger with Lin Fei.

Because this is a jungle, it can not go forward, it can only walk across the body...

God has given its own strong strength.

As a result, now, I even want to use this power to be a black slave.

It's too hard.

The cat could not help but shed tears of despair. She knew that she should not have run to attack this man.

The girl was cutting the tree trunks apart to build a house.

As a result, I saw a tree trunk from afar, which was rushing towards this side.


Don't you see Linfei, the trunk is fine?


The tree trunk flew across the street, and suddenly stopped in front of the girl, and then hit the ground heavily.

That's when the girl saw the cat.

At this moment, the cat is sticking out its tongue, lowering its head and gasping heavily...

the girl looks at the scene in front of her.

At this time, she saw Lin Fei coming from the distance empty handed.

"What's going on?" The girl immediately ran to Lin Fei and looked at the cat who was still gasping for breath: "how can this big cat bring us this main pole?"

"Maybe I thought you were too cute, so I came to help." Lin Fei joked.


The girl blushed, went to the cat, patted its head and said, "thank you."

The cat gave the girl a look.

Lin Fei saw the separated wood and said, "what is this doing?"

"Breaking up some of the trunks that are too long." "It's used to build roofs and so on," said the girl

"It's simple."

Lin Fei patted the cat on the head and said, "it can. It's very spiritual."

The cat is desperate.

I was really caught as a nigger, and I was trapped!

Want to resist, but dare not.

Nowadays, human beings are so terrible that they can't be stabbed, and can blow the trunk into powder with one blow.

"Here you are."

Lin Fei took out a golden apple and handed it to the cat.

The big cat's eyes lit up.

When seeing the fruit, the cat's eyes lit up the flame of life, swallowed the golden apple, and wagged its tail excitedly.


As soon as the shadow flashed, several pieces of wood were sliced in half.

"Wait a minute."

Lin Fei quickly stopped the big cat and said, "look at it first and then cut it."

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