The lightning balls exploded in the air.


The witch on the right screamed and fell slowly from the air.


There was another light sound.

All the lightning balls on the left exploded in the air, and the witch was just like that. Her orange protective cover suddenly exploded and fell down from the air with a scream.

Evil god:

What happened?

How come the two witches who were just unstoppable suddenly died?

He immediately put his eyes on the thick smoke not far away, the answer is in it!

When the smoke dispersed, Lin Fei's figure appeared. He stood there quietly holding a long bow. The land around him was burnt black, but he was spotless.

Evil god: "at this moment, he had an illusion that he saw a God.

The rest of the monsters still do not want to die like rushed up, Lin Fei did not hesitate, a bow and arrow, an arrow shot!

When the arrow was shot out, it suddenly turned into more than ten arrows and shot out in a fan.

The monsters in front of Lin Fei are all penetrated by these arrows and fly backwards with great power.

The ground in front of him was suddenly cleared.


there's the knight like monster left.

It strode to Lin Fei's front, left hand will shield in front of the body, at the same time the right hand big knife is like an axe to chop down!

Lin Fei threw his bow to the side, took two steps forward and kicked it out.


He kicked the knight's shield.

And the long sword in the knight's hand was also cut on Lin Fei's neck.


The evil God saw this scene and immediately exclaimed. Lin Fei was his last Savior. If Lin Fei died here, how could he go out?

The girls all clenched their pink fists nervously.

But the next moment.


The long knife that cut on Lin Fei's neck suddenly split from the middle, and then broke into two pieces and inserted into the ground in rotation.

Lin Fei took back his legs and slowly moved the knife from his neck with a finger.

"Keep going." He said back.

"But..." the evil god just wanted to say something, but at the next moment, he suddenly widened his eyes, as if to see the most terrible ghost.

He clearly saw that the center of the shield, where Lin Fei had kicked him, suddenly cracked.

The cracks spread rapidly and covered the whole shield in the blink of an eye.

It's not stopped!

The tall knight was covered with cracks.



The whole Knight collapsed and broke to pieces, like a statue of sudden collapse.

"Lie... Trough..."

for a long time, the evil god searched the whole brain and finally found only these two words.

Thousands of words, there is no way to replace these two words.

He really didn't know how to describe it.

"You, who are you?" The evil God asked in horror.

That knight like monster, but the existence of blocking his killing moves without retreating, is definitely beyond the S-level existence!

But at the moment, such a powerful monster, even directly by Lin Fei's foot to the broken open?

And covered the knife with his neck!

That long sword looks very terrible. God knows how sharp it is. It was broken by his neck?

I'm going to cut your knife with my neck?

The evil god was dizzy and felt that the whole world was strange. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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