"What is it this time?"

The evil god was immediately scared to jump up, subconsciously to Lin Fei's back to hide, and God's hand also frowned, vigilantly looking around.

Boom -

the whole cave was shaking. The next moment, the tunnel in front of me exploded and a huge insect crawled out of it.

Lin Fei can see clearly that this is a bug that has been magnified ten million times, but he can't see its eyes, and his body is still covered with gray green hard skin.

Boom -

it emerged from the tunnel, passed slowly through the heads of the crowd, and then disappeared into the soil at the other end.

It's the same size as a train, and it's 20-30 meters long.

When the monster appeared, there was a dark smell in the soil.

The evil gods, the hand of God, and the maiden were all eroded by this dark breath. They felt dizzy, as if they had seen hell.

It's a huge army of monsters.

They have dug through the earth, constructed tunnels after tunnels, and turned the whole planet into their own nest...

"when we come, we will perish."

The magnificent voice seemed to explode beside the ear, which made several people lose their consciousness.

Before they started fighting, they suddenly felt a fear in their hearts, and they seemed to see the gods in a trance.

They are so high up there that they can't be matched.

The only thing that's OK here is Lin Fei.

Looking at the black smell everywhere, Lin Fei frowned, and said, "what is this?"

As a result, as soon as he looked back, he realized that something had happened.

Because he saw that the girl's face was pale and her body was shaking, as if he had seen the most terrible thing in the world.

"I wipe, you even play yin?" Lin Fei called out, "but do you think I can't do it like this?"

He threw his hands at the sky, suddenly caught a ray of light, and then tore it off.


Under Lin Fei's feet, a magic array suddenly appears.

A hundred meter array suddenly expanded from under his feet. There were holy lights, lines, faint fluorescence, and holy fog rising from the array.

The dark breath, as soon as it touched the fluorescence and fog, immediately dispersed.

And the three men, who had been eroded by the darkness, woke up immediately.

"What is the situation?" The evil god is shocked to look around, this holy light rises, is it fairyland?

"It's for regional darkness." Lin Fei said, "you've just been trapped."

"I understand all the reasons, but didn't you say that you are a fire power?" The evil god suddenly asked.

Lin Fei:...

"this thing is more than just dispelling the darkness, is it The hand of God said suddenly.

"I can feel that the lost powers in my body are rapidly recovering, and even the injury seems to be healing quickly."

"You say so." The evil god frowned and looked at his hands. After a moment, he said, "I feel like my strength has increased a lot."

"This is the legendary wet nurse." Lin Fei said faintly.

Isn't it just a random array of dispelling, strengthening and healing? What a fuss and shame.

"This is mammy!"

The evil god and the hand of God both glared round in shock.

I've heard how powerful a nanny is before. Now I've seen it with my own eyes.

With this one hand, the mammy is incomparably strong, absolutely is a very important existence!

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