It's close.

The soldier looked left and right, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the knight.

"You die for me!"

He yelled loudly.


In the knight a knife to chop, he did not hesitate to detonate the explosives tied to his body, in an instant the fire devoured him, also devoured the tall knight.

A moment later, however, the knight came out of the fire unharmed.

Some vigorous monsters broke through the walls and entered the assembly, killing those who could not fight back.


A woman with a five-year-old boy in her arms was running down the street. Behind her, two monsters were landing on all fours and crawling fast to catch up.


The monster was so fast that it jumped up and opened the woman's back.


With a scream, the woman stumbled to the ground.

With the last strength, she threw the little boy out, and then, she was chased by the monster, torn by the merciless claws.

In the end, the five-year-old boy could not escape.

Life and death, is constantly staged in this assembly, everywhere is crying, everywhere is the cry of panic, despair spread throughout the assembly.

"It's all over."

On the ruins, a lot of people look desperate, waiting to die.

The city wall is crumbling, and there are more than 100000 monsters outside. Once the wall is broken, what is the outcome waiting for them?

They are very clear.

"Sure enough, legends are used to cheat people." Some people laughed: "say what is the best in the world, say what daytime meteor ah."

"In this world, how can someone fight against such a monster?" He began to cry, squatting on the ground, holding his head in both hands, crying like a child.

"What did we do wrong to meet such a monster?"

Someone kneels on the ground, looks up to the sky and shouts: "God!"

"Where the hell are you?"

"What have we done wrong? Why should we be punished like this? Why send such a powerful and terrifying monster

"God, come and help us!"

And in that little yard.

The little girl knelt on the ground again. Her hands clasped and she said with great reverence: "God, what are you doing at the end of the day? Are you free? Can you come and save us? "

"It's no use." The old man next to him swore and said, "gods and gods are all...

he suddenly couldn't speak.


The people who just roared on the ruins were suddenly stunned. They froze and looked at the sky.

All of a sudden, there was silence, only the cry of despair.

But the people who are crying also feel that the atmosphere is not right. When they look around, they find that everyone is looking up.

What are you looking at?

So he looked up, for an instant, all stunned, and even forgot to cry.

Because they see it clearly.

A bright fire, cut through the sky, is from the nine days above the rapid.

That is...

the meteor still visible in the dazzling day!

Meteor in the day!

"If one day people see meteors in the daytime that only appear at night, the gods will come..."

at this moment.

They opened their eyes because they saw a meteor!

The sky fire, in an instant, dispelled their despair, lit up their hope. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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