When the fire and smoke dispersed, Lin Fei's figure finally appeared before the masses.

That figure, elegant and extraordinary, elegant and spotless...

that's what the gods look like in their hearts!

Lin Fei looked back at the broken city wall and saw that many people were staring at themselves.

Many of them were seriously injured.

There was a lot of blood on their bodies, some just put on bandages, some children who forgot to cry.

"It's all right."

Lin Fei said slowly, "why do you want to ask?"

"Because I'm here."

He turned around and faced the monster of more than 100000 by himself. Then he resolutely stepped forward and walked towards the tide like monster.

After a brief daze, these monsters finally come back to their senses.

Looking at the man walking in front of him, they also moved, like crazy toward Lin Fei.


Lin Fei just punched the monster in the front.

With a dull sound, the monster's body instantly turned into powder, and with the piece behind it, all disappeared in the air.

It's just a punch. It's just a clear space!

People on the city wall saw this scene and forgot to breathe for a while. The whole city wall was dead and silent.

These people are standing on it like statues, they can't move at all.

"Wuwu --"

I don't know who burst into tears.

Then there was a cry.

These monsters appeared three days ago, and then they would not eat or drink for three days, and they would not be able to hold on.

This blow, let them see the hope!

At last they couldn't help it any more and began to cry.

Those monsters are fierce and fearless, and rush up like the tide. Lin Fei just kicks them out and clears out an open space.

Since these monsters are not afraid of death, Lin Fei is not afraid of trouble.

Not afraid?

Then kill them until they are afraid!

He stood in the same place, waiting for those monsters to rush up, but those who rushed up were all one punch and one foot, and these monsters died one by one.

More than ten seconds later, these monsters finally dare not fly closer to Lin.

He even took the initiative to avoid Linfei and retreated to more than 100 meters away.


At this time, the tall Knight came towards the forest. It was still the same as before. Every step, the grass and trees under his feet would wither quickly.

It is like the God of death, where there is no life!

Seeing the knight again, everyone's heart was raised to the throat.

Because they've just seen a man's ability absorbed, this knight is too dangerous!

Lin Fei also noticed.

The knight, he died one step at a time!

It's cruel.

So he also took a step, toward the knight, and this time, every step he took, the waste soil under his feet grew grass and flowers quickly!

This is the method he used to plant trees before, but he didn't expect to have this usage.

One step out, the grass immediately grew out of the soil, and then a bright and moving flowers.

The Dark Knight brings death, and Linfei brings vitality.

Wipe me

The people on the wall were completely stunned. They could never have imagined that there was such a means in the world!

What kind of ability is this?

Control life and death?

At this time, Linfei came to the dark knight.

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