It's just a layer of ash. It's not a big problem. Lin Fei has checked around the house. There's no trace of other things coming. The house is also very solid and has not been shaken.

"Help me clean up the house quickly so that I can cook." The girl came out of the house and threw Lin Fei a dry rag.

"No water?" At the moment of catching the rag, Lin Fei suddenly realized something.

That is, there is no running water at home.

Although it is said that there is a stream nearby, there is no water flowing directly into the house.

If you want to boil water to bathe and cook, it's more troublesome.

After wiping the dust off the house, Lin Fei and the girl said the idea: "I'm going to get some pipes back."

As a result, the girl's face was puzzled and said, "what is the water pipe?"

"A pipe is a pipe that carries water." Lin Fei was shocked. Why didn't the girl know what the water pipe was?

The girl was still in a daze: "what's the use of that?"

"Take the water from the stream to the house. You can use it in the kitchen to wash vegetables, or you can use a water heater to boil water..." Lin Fei explained.

"Ah?" Finally, the girl suddenly realized: "so it is."

"But it's too much trouble."

"Well?" Lin Fei felt something was wrong.

"I don't know where you learned this pipe, but now we all use Titan pumps and matching faucets here."

"Nani?" Lin Fei's face is puzzled this time. Is there any magic black technology even in this one?

"Nani what Nani?" The girl stares at Lin Fei and says, "don't you even know the Titan pump?"

"No, I don't know." Lin Fei was embarrassed this time.

It turned out that the most delicious or their own, crying.

"It doesn't matter." The girl said with a smile, "I can tell you what the Titan pump is."

"Titan water pump relies on Titan generator for power supply. When it is put directly into the water, it will automatically filter and purify, and then directly transmit it to the matching tap."

"The tap is also powered by Titan generator, which can boil water in one second or cool it in one second, but the temperature you want can be adjusted."

Lin Feijing finished listening.

More and more shocked in my heart, what kind of immortal black technology is this?

Too powerful?

Cross space transport technology? It doesn't need a water pipe. It can also transfer water to the tap. It's invincible.

"So where can I find this pump and tap?" Lin Fei asked.

The girl thought for a moment and said, "I only know that the tap can be bought in the supermarket, but the water pump can't be bought."

"Because like the Tektronix generator, there is a huge pump in the city that supplies water to the whole city."

"I see." Lin Fei understood.

In other words, if you want to get a small pump, you must go to the water supply station to look for it.

"Then start tomorrow." Lin Fei said.

The girl made a big dinner tonight.

The aroma of fresh mushrooms stewed chicken, brilliant shredded pork, carrot fried corn, and green garlic with spinach.

Soup, of course, is available.

Delicious fish balls and radish soup.

And, of course, Lin Fei's favorite fried rice with eggs.

The fried rice with eggs made by the girl is really delicious. It is golden and brilliant, with distinct grains and an explosion of taste. After eating one bowl, I still want to have another.

"I love you so much." Lin Fei said with a smile.

The girl's face turned red. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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