Two people into the supermarket, there are many zombies, but not strong.

The girl is the person of the world. She has been to the supermarket many times and bought the faucet. So Lin Fei asked the girl to lead the way.

They found several intact faucets in the supermarket.

Put it in your pocket.

OK, unlimited faucet complete!

The next step is to find the reservoir, which is difficult because they are not familiar with the city at all.

The only one who remembers some roads is only a girl.

"I don't know where the reservoir is." The girl said in some embarrassment: "even where the rally is, I forget almost."

After all, the two people have been running around all the time. They have seen a lot of meetings, and naturally they will forget a lot of them.

"I can't help it. I can only find it slowly." Lin Fei said, "maybe the reservoir is not far from the power station?"

In fact, there is only one guess, and the real situation is still two.

Lin Fei and the girl went out of the supermarket to look for the reservoir, but before they had gone far, they suddenly heard the roar of the engine.


It was so loud that it was like thunder exploding in the street.

The next moment, they saw three motorcycles crashing into each other at the other end of the street.

The motorcycle is equipped with a fast rotating electric saw, with many spines beside it, and a lot of colorful lights on it.

The lights kept flashing, a little dazzling.

Looking at the three cars, Lin Fei suddenly remembered some people.

Ghost fire boy?

As soon as the ghost fire rings, the parents raise in vain.

Looking at the three motorcycles coming all the way, Lin Fei took the girl's hand and took the initiative to retreat to the side.

"Aren't they afraid of bringing zombies?" The girl asked curiously.

Lin Fei replied, "they want to be handsome but not to be killed."

But when the motorcycle was near, it suddenly stopped and stopped a few meters in front of them.

There was a black mark on the road from their tires.

"Well..." Lin Fei could not help but murmured: "the trouble is coming."

Three young men stepped down from the car and approached step by step.

Their eyes fell on the girl's body, just across the distance to see the girl, in this last life, there are such a beautiful girl.

From the first sight they saw, they were moved.

It's just that...

there's another person standing in the way.

So the three looked at Lin Fei again, and the young man at the head said in a loud voice: "is this your girlfriend? Now it's mine. You can go away, or I'll kill you. "

The girl's Willow eyebrows wrinkled and wanted to start.

But this is the moment.


At the other end of the street, suddenly came the roar of the engine.

The three young men frowned at the sound.

"He's here again." The three finally took a look at the girl, then all got on the motorcycle and drove away without hesitation.

Lin Fei and the girl looked at the other end of the street, where a modified van was coming fast.

Just now, the three young people seem to be avoiding this van?

In front of the middle-aged man, two people slowly opened the car door, and then some of them stopped.

"Are you all right?" The middle-aged man cared about two people and said, "those three stinky boys didn't do anything to you just now?"

"It's OK." Lin Fei said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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