Lin Fei used the kitchen here to make a delicious meal. Because he was in the warehouse at noon, he didn't eat anything. Now he feels hungry.

Tonight we have roast pork ribs with seasonal vegetables, red and white spicy tofu, and green sweet Andrographis.

Finally, there is a delicious, steaming mushroom soup.

Smelling the charming aroma, Lin Fei only felt that his appetite was greatly increased. Maybe he could eat three bowls of rice tonight!

However, during the meal, Lin Fei found that the girl who wolfed down last night seemed to have a bad appetite, and she was not as active as last night.

"You don't feel well?" Lin Fei asked.

"No The girl shakes her head. She just thinks, will this evening be her last meal here?

With these questions in mind, she was not in the mood to eat.

Hastily ate a bowl of rice, said full, and then into the kitchen to boil water.

Lin Fei has taken out the gas tank and other things, so even girls can cook and boil water by themselves.

"I don't understand women." Lin Fei thought, bow to continue to eat, hungry all day, good appetite.

But in the end, Lin Fei finds that he can't finish the rice in the pot.

"I thought she could eat a lot today, but she only ate one bowl. Maybe she didn't like these dishes." Lin Fei thought so.

The rest of the meal, he decided to stay until tomorrow to cook porridge.

"Tomorrow morning, we'll make porridge with mixed vegetables and lean meat."

However, the next day, Lin Fei did not make the porridge because she woke up and found the girl in her arms very hot.

This is an abnormal temperature.

Looking down at the girl's face, she found that her pretty face was scarlet, and showed a look of pain. She reached out to wipe it, which was a little hot.

"I have a fever."

Lin Fei understood immediately.

He immediately got out of bed, covered the girl's quilt, and took out some medicine for fever from his backpack.

"Maybe it's because I was too tired a while ago. After I relaxed, I burst out all of a sudden. That's why the disease happened so suddenly and ferociously." Lin Fei guessed.

Lin Fei is only half right.

After feeding the girl medicine, he wanted to take a wet towel to cover Ye Yuxue's forehead.

"Don't leave me."

But at this time, the girl's dream words let Lin Fei stop.

Turning around, I found that the girl's hand was stretching out from the quilt and in her direction.

"I'm not going." Lin Fei said, reaching out and pressing the girl's hand back under the quilt.

"I don't want to go."

The girl seems to have a nightmare.

Lin Fei wiped her sweat and said, "you don't want to go. Nobody can force you to go."

It seems that hearing Lin Fei's words, the girl's eyebrows are relieved and she sleeps heavily.

She shrinks on the bed, small only, unexpectedly some lovely.

Lin Fei went into the bathroom and took a towel for her and put it on her forehead. Until now, he still remembers that yuan is empty. After reading, he has been thinking about why he does not have a lively, lovely and intelligent sister.

It's a great pity.

Lin Fei felt it a pity that the girl was ill. He wanted to know something about the background of the world.


Lin Fei eyebrows a pick, because he has been using perspective to guard around, to prevent zombies from coming in.

As a result, this morning, the zombie did not see, but saw an unexpected guest.

Two men sneaked in from the villa, very cautious, seems to want to come in to steal things. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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