The bomber was stunned.

For a long time, it was he who threw the bomb and could happily watch others dismantle it.

But what is the situation now?

He was caught, and he was asked to dismantle the bomb?

This has never happened before!

Isn't he really afraid of the bomb? You know, this bomb can level the whole school in an instant!

Lin Fei finds a chair in the room and calmly looks at the countdown of the bomb.

"Two minutes to go, boy."

Hearing this, the bomber suddenly woke up, time is running out.

The bomb was arranged by himself, so it is very simple to dismantle it. In less than half a minute, the bomb was demolished.

And Lin Fei realized it.

So he stood up and said, "it's not fair."

"It's unfair to me that you put the bomb and you took it down again."

The bomber wiped a sweat, and suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart. The man in front of him was so strange that he could not understand it.

"If there are any bombs, take them all out." Lin Fei said, "I have to add a little bit of difficulty to you."

"Take down ten bombs a minute, for example, on lava, or when you are seriously injured and you have one breath left."

"You are sick Finally, the bomber could not control his fear and roared out loud.

Lin Fei just smiles.

"You know you're afraid?"

He said, "did you think of this day when you killed that uncle together?"

Lin Fei is naturally intentional. He has no pity and sympathy for those who commit all kinds of crimes, burning, killing and looting.

Just kill them. It's too cheap for them.

Sometimes, to live is ten thousand times more painful than to die.

Lin Fei never thinks that he is a good man. If others treat him well, he will treat others well. If others hurt him, he will have to revenge. It is very simple.

How to repay good for bad? Good for good.

Looking at Lin Fei with a faint smile on his face, the bomber's body trembled, as if to see the devil from hell.

"The uncle always thinks you can make a change. He always believes in you." Lin Fei sighed.

The bomber seems to have caught the last breath of life.

"I'll change it!" he said

"I'll change it right away. Now I'll make a new start. I'll be a good person!"

Lin Fei said with a smile, "but the people who want to believe you are gone. What's the use of telling me these?"

"No matter what you say, I won't believe you. Don't forget who killed those who believed in you."


The bomber's face was pale, his legs softened and he sat on the ground.

Lin Fei squatted down and said with a faint smile, "Na Na, give you a chance. Tell me, where is the trickster?"


As soon as the bomber's eyes lit up, he immediately exclaimed, "he must be in the reservoir!"

"Oh." Lin Fei answered, then stood up...

the executioner was grinding his knife in the house of the market.

There are many cages in his house, where many people are trapped. They were once living people.

"It's really comfortable today."

"The old man who has been in the way for a long time has finally died."

He hummed happily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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