"We will protect ourselves." Said the girl.

"You have a lovely girlfriend." Thousand dust smile way: "unexpectedly said so stubborn words."

"It's the end of the world. It's a death sooner or later to fall in love." Plain words said indifferently.

There was a needle in her words.

"She just broke up a while ago." Qian Chen whispered to Lin Fei.

"Who lost love?" Su Yan immediately said in a cold voice, "it was I who dumped that bitch, not him who dumped me. Now he must regret to die."

Lin Fei and the girl looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders in tacit agreement.

Hongye wanted to change the subject, so she said, "you two, what power? What grade is it? "

The girl immediately looks at Lin Fei. Do you want to tell the truth?

"Flame, S-class." Lin Fei said.

Three people are a Leng, look back to see Lin Fei, up and down looked at several eyes.

Most of them don't believe.

"Then I ask you, what is your title?" Su Yan asked.

"No.1 in the world." Lin Fei said.

All of a sudden, they couldn't hold back and laughed.

"How about making a draft of it, too?" As the saying goes, "people all over the world know that the first power in the world is not fire."

"What he is good at is bow and arrow. Once an arrow calmed a tide of corpses!"

"Look at you like this, still S-class? Grade B is pretty good. " Su Yan continued.

Lin Fei was silent for a moment, and finally said, "in fact, I think that the best in the world can also use flame."

"Don't you think, I want me to feel." The first thing I know is that the world is good at bowing

"You..." the girl wanted to explain, but was stopped by Lin Fei.

I won't believe it anyway.

"Here it is."

At this time, several people came to a small supermarket.

"What is this for?" Lin Fei asked.

"Mop up zombies in supermarkets." Qian Chen said, "after that, someone will come to collect the food here."

"Don't run around." Three people let Lin Fei and the girl hide in the newspaper stand opposite the small supermarket, and then said: "if you have an accident, we don't have time to save you."

Leaving this sentence, the three turned and walked toward the small supermarket.

In the sun, the cold light twinkles, and she looks like a heroine.

And when the red leaves walked through the street, the fallen leaves on the ground actually floated up one after another and kept flowing around him.

Compared with these two people, Qian Chen is much calmer. Lin Fei and the girl don't see him exerting his powers.


There was a loud noise in the supermarket and the battle began.

"Go and see." Lin Fei took the girl's hand and went over and looked inside at the door.

I saw Su Yan with a knife, and the leaves beside the red leaves were like flying knives harvesting the zombies, but there was no dust.

Lin Fei immediately used perspective: "stealth?"

Sure enough, he saw Qianchen. His ability was invisible, too powerful.

The only drawback is that when attacking, his figure will be exposed.

Most of the supermarkets are ordinary zombies. For three people, it is as simple as cutting vegetables.

But this is the moment.


A loud noise, a tall figure smashed the ceiling, fell from the sky, heavily hit the center of the supermarket.

When the dust dispersed, finally see the figure.

Strengthen the bull!

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