Originally strong limbs, fast to thin down, but still can see the distinct muscles.

The rotten skin was gone. It was all black, reflecting steel skin.

A pair of eyes became blood red incomparably, armpit grew a pair of arms again, on the back of the hand is also full of spines, and even behind a thick tail!

That tail looks strong and powerful, like a kangaroo, can be used as a supporting force!

Compared with the previous bull, now the bull has a more powerful aura, all over the body is emitting a breath of strength.

Now standing in front of, as if not a zombie, but a god!


That bull talks!

Lin Fei is more sure that the bull in front of him, and all the cattle he met before, are definitely not of the same level.

You can talk.

How far has this got to evolve?

SS class?


"Master, I will kill him." The bull nodded to the mask lady next to him, and then strode towards Lin Fei.


A step out of the bull, even a blink, directly came to Lin Fei's face!

And then there was a punch, which was faster than a bullet. After hitting Lin Fei's face for a long time, the sound could be heard. This punch almost exceeded the time!

The punch hit Lin Fei in the face with a loud noise, but Lin Fei never stepped back.

If you hurt me, you will win.

Invincible does what he wants.

He reached out to catch the bull's fist and broke it hard. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound!

Lin Fei didn't say anything. He just punched calmly.


The huge force hit the bull's stomach, and then went through it and passed by the mask lady. The wind made her dress hunting. Then it broke the ceiling, and the sun fell down.

"Fast --"

the words of thousands of dust come to a sudden stop.

Time again flow, a few people's consciousness return, the first time to see a shocking scene.

A figure stood in front of him, the light was too dazzling to see his face clearly, but in front of him, it was a half tall body.

Is that a bull?


there is only one possibility for this shadow which cannot be seen clearly because of the light!

"Linfei?" Thousand dust trembled and said these two words.

He is like a God. He is definitely the legendary Lin Fei, the first in the world!

Several people's eyes finally adapted to the light from the ceiling. After seeing clearly the man in front of him, he was indeed Lin Fei, and the bull was kneeling in front of him.

Who can do this except the first in the world?

"There's another one there!"

The next moment, several people saw the mask lady standing not far away.

"White clothes and white masks, is it true what he said before?"

"The rift valley in the street is really made by this man!"

When they saw it with their own eyes, they finally believed that Lin Fei didn't cheat them. It turned out that there was such a person, a mysterious mask lady!

Lin Fei looks at the mask girl in front of her.

Now it is certain that the other side is a God and has a clear hostility to himself.

"You have something to do with me. These people are innocent." Lin Fei said.


Three people lying behind Lin Fei suddenly have an impulse to cry.

However, Miss mask said nothing, and suddenly disappeared into the sun, as if it had never appeared before.

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