In the hall, the three meter high Knight stands erect, and two witches float on both sides. They are surrounded by flame, which seems to form a protective shield.

When the six men formally entered the hall, the tall dark knight turned around.


The two witches screamed at this time, the magic sound pierced the brain, and the six could not help but step and cover their ears.

And the next moment, the hall around the sudden influx of many monsters.

Most of them are the ones seen outside. There are those with purple laser in their heads and knights with big shield.

The two witches were more extreme. They were floating in the sky, shooting lightning balls from their hands. They were like Gatling in flames.

In the face of this turbulent attack, the six men were hard to resist at one time.

"Kill the two witches in the sky first!" The captain cut a knight to death with a knife, and then said.

"The witch is a shield of fire. Attack her with fire!"

"Let me do it."

A man stood up and killed a gatekeeper with one shot. His power seemed to be fire.

As soon as he raised his hand, he threw out two flame darts. The darts whirled and hit the flame shields on the two witches.


With a loud noise, the two witches were shocked back by the huge impact.

"Now, set them on fire!"

"I'll clean up the little monster."

And just as they were ready to act, a sudden change took place!

The dark knight has been standing in the center of the hall, looking at all these things in front of him silently. Finally, he is impatient, and his long knife suddenly emits a dark light.

The light suddenly covered the whole hall...

"something is wrong."

The girl beside her suddenly turned pale, and her hands holding Lin Fei's arm were loosened a lot.

"My powers..." it seems that the girl's strength of speaking is insufficient, and she becomes angry like a gossamer.

"My powers seem to have been sucked away."

Lin Fei saw that the girl's legs were shaking, and it seemed that she was about to stand still. He was about to kneel on the ground. His eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he picked up the girl.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Powers, my powers are sucked away." Said the girl.

Lin Fei frowned a little and then looked at the group of six. They turned out to be ordinary people, even worse than ordinary people.

Because the psionic body has been transformed by the power.

Once a power is lost, the body becomes as fragile as paper without the support of the power.


The knight in front of the captain fell off the knife and fell directly on the captain's shoulder. In an instant, blood spattered.

His arm was almost cut off, but fortunately the bones were strong enough.


He retreated, screaming in horror, "my power! What about my powers

Those who have lost their powers are frail and helpless. In front of these monsters, they are no different from garbage.


The other players are aware of one thing.

"Intelligence is not detailed enough. No one knows it can absorb our powers!"

The faces of the rest of the players also showed panic and despair.

Power is their survival in the dark rely on, now the ability disappeared, they will only be swallowed by the dark result!

Lin Fei takes back his eyes and finally understands the situation in front of him.

Looking down at the girl whose face is pale and about to faint, Lin Fei has some heartache.

But it was also at this time that he realized what he could do. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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