The Dark Knight originally had a dark body. Ordinary means and mortal weapons could not harm its body.

But now, with the sun in the sky, the darkness of the dark knight has been stripped completely, and it has become as dying as ordinary monsters.

It's like dehydrated fish.

The dark knight is so fragile that he can't even hold the knife in his hand. Let alone the ordinary blade, even if a three-year-old child comes to touch it, it may fall to the ground.

"It's time to fight back." Someone said with a sneer.

"Today I'm going to avenge that million people!" There were also angry shouts.

The next moment, a member of the team rose from the sky and shot a shadow arrow.

The shadow arrow stuck in the ceiling, and suddenly stretched out an iron chain to tie up the dark knight.

But the dark knight was too heavy for a chain to lift.

"More arrows!"

The man said, anyway, as soon as the ability is consumed, it will be full immediately, just like no money.

At the same time, he shot more than ten arrows in the air.

A few tons of dark knight was immediately hanged by these chains, as if caught by a spider and tied in the air.

"And then what to do?" The players couldn't help asking the captain.

"If you ask me like this, I still want to do..." the captain pondered.

Then his eyes brightened and he said, "cut it off, take its head back, and its body is hanging in front of the city gate."

"Let all the monsters here understand that this is the price we have to pay to fight against our Terrans!"


Hearing this, several team members are excited, have come up with their own unique skills.

"Please take a bullet."

A man holding the wheel of fire opened the mouth of the dark knight.


"This shot, to the millions of people you killed!"


"This shot, to all the powers who paid their lives to conquer this place!"


"This shot is because of your ignorance."

Bang, bang, bang -

six shots in a row, the dark knight is dead and can't die any more. Then the power master of the wind comes forward and cuts off his head with a knife.

Most people's high head fell to the ground with a plop, which made the ground shake.

Lin Fei looked at it for a while, then left the castle. After careful consideration, he did not need to stay here, so he left.

But the sun he made is still there.

In this dark spreading world, a round of light floats in the sky, providing endless power for everyone who enters here.

When everything was done, the captain looked at the place where Lin Fei had just been.

But it was empty.

"What about others?" The captain was stunned.

The other team members then responded: "how about others?"

Although they were fighting just now, they all knew that the sun above their heads was released by Lin Fei.

If it had not been for the sun, they would have been dead.

"Can we say..."

the captain suddenly had a bad idea in his heart: "is it that the great God bought the sun with his life

Plop -

he was moved to his knees.

The rest of the players immediately understood this and knelt down.

"He is a hero..."

"he must be a great God if he sacrificed himself and accomplished us."

Some even cried. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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