"I feel better than ever before."

"And I seem to be able to control the ice." When she said this, the bed was covered with ice.

The girl was stunned, and Lin Fei didn't know what to say for a while.

This is the first one to freeze your bed with a power.

"I'm sorry!"

The girl quickly stood up, quickly lifted the ice, and said: "this is the first time for me, not very skilled."

"I know." Lin Fei nodded.

Looking at the wet bed, Lin Fei thought that he had just moved a place, but had not lived for a long time, so he had to change it.

"Can you not drive me away?" The girl bit her teeth and said tentatively, "I have powers now. I can use them."

Lin Fei nodded and said, "I didn't want to drive you away."

"If you leave and nobody talks to me, you'll be bored." In fact, he said, the main thing is to understand the background of the world.

I am really unfamiliar with this place.


This was the first time that the girl felt needed and happy.

"Now that you're awake, it's time we went out." Lin Fei said.

"Looking for food?" The girl immediately said, "I feel more powerful and can help you with things."

"Then you can hold one for me." Lin Fei threw the backpack in front of the girl.

Looking at the backpack in front of her, the girl thought of the picture that the two men tried their best to lift the backpack.

Can you bring up your present self?


She took a deep breath and said, "I can help you carry things later."

Reach for the backpack.


She tried her best to lift the backpack.

"I can't do it."

The girl was disappointed and said, "I still can't carry this backpack."

"Don't be disappointed, because no one but me can lift this backpack." Lin Fei is in danger. As a result, this is even more shocking.

The girl is not willing to wave the powder fist.

"I'll be able to pick up this backpack in the future."

Lin Fei smiles and jumps from the balcony. The girl responds and immediately follows.

She also jumped down from above, and nothing happened.

"It seems that the red light not only gives people powers, but also strengthens people's physique."

But the red light is still rubbish in front of the modifier.

Not even qualified to appear.


"What are we going to do?" The girl asked, since knowing that Lin Fei would not drive him away, her mood has improved a lot.

"Find someone to settle the bill." Lin Fei said.

He didn't catch up with the girl because she was sick. Now she is not only better, but also stronger. Naturally, she has to go to the liquidation.

"Take me to the gang." Lin Fei said, presumably the girl understood what she was saying.

"I see."

The girl understood Lin Fei's meaning. Although she didn't know why Lin Fei wanted to go to them now, she knew that as long as she was obedient.

On the way to the hotel, Lin Fei saw more zombies on the street.

"More zombies." The girl also found the change and said, "it's twice as much as before."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Fei said.

At this time, the zombie found Lin Fei and the girl, and immediately attacked them.

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