"What power is this?"

He was shocked and shocked, but there was a surveillance on his face.

"Maybe he is the one sent by the gods to help me!"

Looking at Lin Fei and the girl on the screen, he laughed: "now let me test you, where is the limit?"

Bang, bang -

the broken machine gun fell off the wall and scattered all over the floor.

Boom -

just at this moment, there was a loud noise from the wall not far from the two people, and at the same time, the room was also slightly shaking.

In front of the wall slowly rises, unexpectedly appeared a door.

Behind the door is a corridor, less than two meters wide, barely able to make two people walk side by side.

Lin Fei looked at the corridor in front of him, lost in thought.

"Is this basement that big? Or do they dig another corridor when they're idle? "

Never underestimate a man who is idle and has nothing to do.

"Follow me." Lin Fei said to the girl.

"I'm not a kid. I'm strong, too." The girl is not willing to be protected by Lin Fei. Although she says so, she still follows Lin Fei honestly.


As soon as they walked into the corridor, the door behind them was closed, and a wall smashed down heavily, breaking the back road.

"It seems that they want us to move on."

Lin Fei is not in a hurry or worried. Anyway, there is no one who can fight here. It's a vacation tour.

But this is the moment.

Click and wipe -

suddenly, there is a strange noise from the wall in front of you, as if something has been opened.

Then, Lin Fei and the girl heard a roar of wild animals.

Bang Bang -

a lion with three heads came out of the wall slowly, and her scarlet eyes locked on Lin Fei and the girl.

"I don't know whether it's human variation or self variation." Lin Fei looked at the three lions in front of him. He couldn't help but murmured: "but it doesn't look cute at all. It's ferocious."

The lion is as big as a buffalo, and in this corridor less than two meters wide, it is like a train.

Now it stares at Lin Fei and the girl, roars and rushes across.

It was so strong that it was about to fill the aisles, unable to turn back, or give people a place to dodge.

To others, these three lions are absolutely powerful.

When it ran over the concrete floor, the ground cracked, and there was an unstoppable momentum when the mountain collapsed.


However, Lin Fei just raised his left hand and blocked it.

His left hand was against the head of the lion in the middle, and then the lion could not go any further.

In the face of the lion rushing like a train, he blocked it with his left hand and did not step back.

"You're ugly to me."

Lin Fei said so, and then he took a step forward.


The lion was immediately pushed back by Lin Fei.


The young man in the monitoring room was stunned when he saw this scene, and then more ecstatic colors appeared on his face.

"Interesting, interesting!"

"If you can get his body, you can definitely study monsters with infinite efforts!"

"Now I must have his body, alive or dead."

He slammed a button.

Roar -

a loud noise, the whole corridor, began to squeeze in the middle!

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