Seeing Lin Lang Sword Fairy's attitude, the man was more and more sure that he must have met Lin Fei.

And lost to Lin Fei.

Lin Lang sword immortal with psychological problems wanted to get more powerful power, so he came to him.

"I can't give it to you."

The man shook his head and said, "I have promised a person that I will reform from now on and strive for a new life and a good life."


As soon as his voice dropped, a sword reached his throat.

"When I show up in front of you, do you think you have another choice?" Lin Lang Sword Fairy said coldly.

The man was silent for a moment.

He knew that he was not Lin Fei's opponent, nor Lin Lang's.

Now long sword is in front, he has no other choice.

"I know who you're dealing with." The man sighed and said, "I advise you to let go. You are not his opponent."

"What do you say?"

Lin Lang Sword Fairy's eyes narrowed up, a slight force on the hand, blood immediately dropped from the man's throat.

"Do you think there is someone in the world who is worthy of being my opponent?"

"No one in the world."

"Maybe only those who are behind the changes in the world are qualified to fight with me!"

Seeing that Lin Lang sword immortal was so resolute, the man sighed again and said, "I said, you can't be his opponent. You are not his opponent no matter your heart and strength."

"Since you insist, I will give you the last tube of reagent."

Forced by Lin Lang Sword Fairy, he had no other choice but to find the reagent with him.

"Well done." Lin Lang Sword Fairy smiles.


Then, his sword flashed in his hand, and the man's head suddenly separated from his neck.

"Plop" fell to the ground.

His face is still shocked, did not expect to escape from Lin Fei's hand, but died in the hands of Lin Lang Sword Fairy.

"No matter who you are, if I meet you again, you will die."

"Ha ha ha --"

Lin Lang Sword Fairy laughed loudly. The smile was twisted and ferocious, and spread far and far.

And this time.

Lin Fei and the girl have entered the meeting.

Although we didn't get any useful information, we all came here. We can't come in vain. Come and see what we have. Maybe we can have some surprise.

Lin Fei was born handsome, young and beautiful girl, and they both wore clean and tidy clothes.

So as soon as they appeared in the meeting, they immediately attracted a lot of people's attention.

Many men stare at the girl, eyes are straight, has been swallowing.

As an S-level power person, the girl can sense the sight around her. The eyes of these people make her feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable to walk.

"Where are you going, little sister?"

At this time, several figures blocked Lin Fei and the girl's way.

These people ignored Lin Fei directly, so they stretched out their hands to the girl, and they were about to start.

But their hands had just passed by Lin Fei when they suddenly made a strange noise and flew to the sky with their right hands spinning.

The man who stretched out his hand was stunned for a moment. When he saw it clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank and cried out in horror.


"My right hand!"

He retreated, screaming, and blood gushed out of his right hand.

"What are you doing? What do you want to do

Lin Fei indifferently looked at these people in front of him and said, "your parents have not taught you not to do anything in the street?"

After that, the wooden sword came out again.


The man reached out and his head flew out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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