
Lin Lang Sword Fairy was heavily hit on the ground, this moment, he felt a little dizzy, the whole world was spinning, so he was stunned for a long time.

Now the situation here is different from what he expected.

According to the truth, he drank the reagent, and his strength soared. He was as powerful as King Kong, and the God of fist could not stop his sword.

What happened?

He still can't hurt the man in front of him!

Is this possible?

No matter how you think about it, there is only one answer. Lin Lang sword immortal doesn't want to believe this answer.

That is - he is not the son of the world, because there are more powerful beings in the world than him, such as this young man in front of him.

It seems that the age difference is not much, but it is too strong.

"I don't believe it."

At the thought that he was not the center of the world, Lin Lang sword immortal suddenly jumped up from the ground, and the result was not what he wanted.

In an instant, his eyes became blood red, like the incarnation of a man eating beast.


With a cold drink, he raised his hand again, and there was a strong wind.

At the next moment, all the swords scattered around here were shaking and humming, and they were slowly suspended.

These long swords seem to have the spirit in an instant, and they are coming towards Lin Lang Sword Fairy one after another.

The sharpest handle fell into his hands.

The rest is circulating around him. At this moment, his sword is surging like a real sword immortal.

"It's an honor for you to force me to do it."

Lin Lang Sword Fairy's voice was sharp, and he called, "you must die with this move!"

The people behind saw such a crazy Lin Lang Sword Fairy, their bodies couldn't help shaking and staggered back for a long time.

At this moment, they felt that the Lin Lang Sword Fairy was very strange.

"Perhaps this is his nature?"

Someone said.

I suddenly realized that I had read the wrong person before.

At the same time, I wonder why people with distorted psychology should become sword immortals?

"Lin Lang sword immortal is going to use his unique skills. No matter how strong that killer is, he will surely die."

Lin Lang Sword Fairy held the long sword in his hand and held it high.

Buzzing -

the sword light that circulates around him turns all over his head.

"Ten thousand swords return to one!"

Lin Lang Sword Fairy roared: "love is infinite!"

Then, a sword was cut down. It seemed that the sword could create a new world with amazing power.

Before the sword arrived, the street floor began to crack, extending from the foot of Lin Lang sword immortal to Lin Fei's.

It's close.

Lin Fei calmly watched the sword fall.

What love is limited and love is infinite. This world is about reality. If you can't beat it, even if you rely on love, it's useless now.

Seeing that the sword light and the figure were about to collide, the cold light in the eyes of Lin Lang sword immortal suddenly changed direction.

This sword is not towards Lin Fei, but the girl beside him!

Lin Lang sword immortal knows that he is not Lin Fei's opponent, so this move is not used for Lin Fei.

From the beginning, his aim was to be a girl!

If you can't win Lin Fei, you should also let him lose the most important person. At that time, even the most powerful person may show his weakness.

Take the opportunity to defeat Lin Fei!

Linlang sword immortal thought a lot, also wanted to be very perfect.

But he was wrong after all.

Everything is in Lin Fei's expectation.

He walked up to the girl in front of him and protected it behind him. He lifted his hand and broke the huge sword! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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