The strange wolf was stunned.

I wanted to run away, but now I'm frozen.

What's the situation?

What about the ferocious gorilla?

Three meters high, why suddenly disappeared?

Was he killed by a meteorite?

Strange wolf come back to God, want to turn around to leave here, always feel to continue to stay here will be a problem.

"Where do you want to go in such a hurry?"

But it just turned around, a familiar voice, let its body tremble, the hair all over the body exploded up.

After mutation, animals generally become irrational and lose the emotion of fear.

But since the day I met Lin Fei, the wolf's fear was activated.

The man will never forget him until he dies.

It's too scary to say he's human.

I have never seen such a powerful human being. Without fear, it is scared out of fear.

Stiff back, the strange wolf saw the man who could not be forgotten.

It's really him!

On the spot, the four legs of the strange wolf were scared and softened.

Isn't this man living on the other side of the mountain, more than ten miles away from here?

How did you get to this place?

In order to prevent meeting Lin Fei, it was far away from the lake, but never thought that it would meet him here.

Lin Fei holds the girl's hand. He doesn't know that he trampled on an S-level monster just at random.

He just felt that it seemed very strong, so he just killed it.

I didn't have time to go to my own cabin.

When the wolf saw Lin Fei, he was scared and shook his tail. He knew he couldn't run away.

If you want to run, the only result may be like the previous gorilla.

"Are you free?" Lin Fei asked the strange wolf.

After the variation of the strange wolf, there is spirituality and can understand human language.

Hearing Lin Fei's words, he nodded in a hurry. How could he not be free? Even if very busy, now can only say free!

"Do me a little favor then." Lin Fei said, "help me get rid of all the monsters in this mountain forest."

Although he can get rid of all these monsters himself.

But it's too much trouble.

And if you use a wide range of killing moves, I'm afraid the mountains are gone, and it's not worth the loss.

Therefore, it is very suitable to find a powerful monster fighter to help.

The wolf was stunned.

It knows all the truth, but the problem is, it can't beat it.

Its strength is only A-level, there is a big gap from the s level, otherwise just won't be forced by the gorilla, there is no way to go.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill the monster on the mountain.

It can't be done.

"Don't worry. It's not for nothing." Lin Fei said, "there are rewards."

Then he took out two power fruits.

"Come to me once in three days. If I'm there, if you do well, you can have as many fruits as you want."

Seeing the power fruit in Lin Fei's hand, the wolf's eyes lit up.

It is the fruit of the power of the way of nature, but because it is not strong enough, it dare not think about it at all.

But now, there are two power fruits in front of you.

What's more, if you listen to him, you can get more!

The wolf nodded without hesitation.

As long as you get more than a dozen power fruits, you'll be able to upgrade to s level!

"Smart choice."

Lin Fei throws the two power fruits in his hand to the strange wolf. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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