
A shrill scream followed by a sudden stop.

Because his head was directly bitten off!

The monster is not big, and the size of ordinary people's body size, but the limbs are very strong, teeth like serration, face ferocious and terrifying.

The sudden attack startled the gang, and the lightning master started at once.


A flash of lightning split on the monster's body, the result was mercilessly bounced away!

Lightning doesn't work!

"How could it be!"

Seeing this scene, the man was stunned.

At this time, the monster's attention also fell on the man.

Without waiting for him to react, a dark shadow flashed by, and he was directly knocked to the ground, which was a sudden stop of screams.

Blood splashed out of the man's throat, scaring everyone present.

Lin Fei's girl's body trembled and her face turned white.

In the final analysis, she is just a girl who has just acquired the power. From childhood to adulthood, where has she seen such a bloody scene?

"This should be the new zombie." Lin Fei thought.

I've never seen anything so fierce before. My skin is so hard that I can't even split the lightning.

After the monster killed two people in a row, his eyes fell on the new man.

This time it was a man who was a little fat.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, the fat man's heart jumped suddenly. The food ate people, and the skin was rough and the flesh was thick. The general means didn't work at all!


In an instant, the monster jumped up again and rushed at the fat man.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

The fat man's heart a horizontal, opened his mouth, only to see at this moment, the fat man's head seems to become a lot bigger, a mouth has become the abyss mouth.

He swallowed the monster in one bite!

Seeing this scene, the girl immediately hid behind Lin Fei.

This man is also a monster!

He could swallow a monster the size of a human.

Seeing his success, the fat man's face immediately showed a happy smile and explained to the stunned people around him: "this is my ability to eat anything."

Originally, he thought his ability was rubbish.

Now it looks like it's against the weather!

No matter what monster you encounter, you can swallow it directly and turn it into your own nutrition.

After hearing the fat man's explanation, all the people present were relieved.

For a moment, they thought the fat man had become a monster.

But the smile on their faces didn't last long, because the fat man showed a look of pain at this time, and his face was pale with his hands covering his stomach.

"You're ok..."

someone nearby saw that he was in a wrong situation, so he reached out to take a picture of him, and the result was!


There was a dull noise.

The fat man's belly exploded, blood splashed all over the place, and his stomach was full of fat. The monster jumped out of it and directly jumped at the man beside him.

The scene scared all the people present.

"This monster is also mutated!"

They finally understood: "there is no way to deal with one person's power alone!"

"Calm down."

At this time, sister Huang opened her mouth, her voice was very cold, as if everything was expected.

Just after hearing her words, all the people saw that the sundries around them were slowly suspended and smashed towards the monster.

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