On the way up, Lin Fei finally saw his goal through perspective.

A monster.

It was human in shape, but much taller than a human being. It had sharp horns growing from its forehead and sharp fangs from its mouth. Its face was as green as a prairie, but its eyes were scarlet like lanterns.

"It's strange." Lin Fei murmured.

Recently, I can always see all kinds of monsters, and I feel that the bull is much better than them.

The monster also seemed to feel the situation downstairs, so it looked sideways and looked at the door of the room.

It wants to see, who dares to interrupt its lunch break so wantonly?

This man will be cramped and skinned and thrown into the zombies!

It has self-confidence, because its power comes from the gods, even if the S-level ability is not its opponent.

Whoever comes will die.

But he waited for a minute and didn't see anyone coming up.

And now.

"Shall we not go up?" The girl found Lin Fei holding her hand and stopped.

"I'm tired."

Lin Fei sighed: "that thing is on the top of the building. Now it is ten stories away from us."

The girl wondered why Ye Feng knew the location of the monster so clearly.

But he still asked, "is the ten story building very high?"

Now, even if she was climbing a hundred floors at a time, she would not breathe.

Ten floors, there is no difficulty at all, where can we say "tired"?

"Not high."

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "but I just don't want to go."

After that, I took out a long gun from my backpack. It was a laser gun. I got it a long time ago.

I remember being happy when I got it.

But later I got the rocket launcher and found that my former self was not really happy.

"To go through the wall, or laser guns."

Lin Fei's face is expressionless, silently opened the second kill, lock, hanging through the wall, after all, I Lin someone is just a killer without emotion.


A shot, see a blue ray of light shot out, instantly pierced the ceiling of the head.

The head of the monster who is waiting for someone at the top is about to be impatient, but at this moment, his heart suddenly jumps, and a sense of crisis suddenly hits his heart.

Will die!

Somehow, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

And then it went crazy.


A wave of air burst from its body, at the same time the body grew numerous tentacles, in front of the condensation into a wall.


It roars, its bloody breath boils, and turns into a defensive line in front of it.

That's the power of the gods. It can easily block the top strike of s level. If you want to leave two walls, you can definitely block any attack.

But it still felt the smell of death.

It's like...

death is standing behind it, and the black sickle is on its neck!

"King Kong is not bad!"

There was another roar, and its body was immediately covered with a layer of blood light.

Click and rub -

there is no time to arrange the means, and the tentacles in front of you suddenly hear a broken sound.

In less than a second, the tentacles forming the wall suddenly burst, and a blue light came unscrupulously!

Click and rub -

is another sound of things breaking.

This time, it was the wall formed by the divine power. It was as fragile as the tentacle, and could not hold up for a second.

The head of the monster's pupils were shaking.

Wipe me

The light that the divine power can't block?


But before I had time to think about it, the light, like a bullet through the white paper, broke the blood light from its body and passed through its head.

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