The vice president was stunned.

Because in the beginning, he did.

Now Lin Fei suddenly asked this question, which made him a little confused. But he quickly responded and asked, "what do you need?"

Lin Fei laughed and said, "you may not have what I want. Let me see what you can give."

The vice president bit his teeth and took out a list.

The above is all the inventory in the guild. Now, you can see what is in the guild and what can be taken out.

Lin Fei glanced.

"There's no home appliances." He murmured, somewhat disappointed, and thought that the guild could do anything.

"Home appliances?"

Vice President daze, in the heart wonder, at this time, what is the use of home appliances?

Even with these things, you don't have electricity.

So far, the entire rally hasn't been restored to power.

"What do you want?" Lin Fei handed the list to the girl and asked her to choose. After all, she would not run the house. Up to now, all the food and accommodation were run by the girl.

"Let me see." The girl took the list and looked at it carefully for a while.

She found that most of the guild's stocks were related to strength, and there were some foods that they could not use up.

There is nothing that can really improve their quality of life.

The girl felt sorry.

"Just one power fruit." She returned the list to the vice president.


The vice president said, "as long as you can save people, give them the fruits of the powers."

"Where are they?" Lin Fei asked.

The vice president pointed to the map on the wall and said, "this is a map of the city and the surrounding wilderness."

He drew a range on the map with his hand and said, "this time, the destination of the team is this area. Now they have an accident, they must be not far away from this place, or in this place."


Lin Fei nodded and caught the map from the wall. Lin Fei held the map in his hand.

"Lend me the map first and return it to you later."

Then he left with the girl.

Vice president looked at the back of the two people left, some helpless, now he can only hope in Lin Fei's body.

I hope he can beat the powerful monster and bring the team back.

In addition to the trade union, Lin Fei used stealth and took the girl to fly.

"I don't know the way. Please help me." He gave the map to the girl, because he was really Lu Chi. If it was not for the girl, he would not know how many times he had lost his way.

Lin Fei holds the girl so that she can open the map with both hands.

"Go that way."

The girl carefully looked at the map for a while, then looked down at the meeting for a while. After several comparisons, she pointed out a direction.


Lin Fei never doubted what the girl was. He pointed out the direction, and he immediately rushed with the girl in his arms.

After flying for a moment, Linfei and the girl saw a forest.

"There is such a good greening."

Looking at the lush forest, Lin Fei was surprised. He thought that with the development of science and technology, there would be only tall buildings and no real forest.

But now it seems that there are not only trees, but also forests.

Lush, like the blue star tens of thousands of years ago.

"Not before." The girl shook her head and said, "there used to be few trees. There were houses and tall buildings everywhere."

"This kind of situation only appeared after the change of heaven and earth." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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