"Hey, hey, hey..."

The monster is still smiling. Even if it is pulled out by Lin Fei from the ground, its face still has a cold and frightening smile.

Lin Fei felt the tentacles in his hand retracted again.

Looking at the wriggling tentacles, Lin Fei is about to let go.

Also change water to wash hands carefully.


and just as he was washing his hands, a broken wind came.

But in a flash, a cold light came to his eyes.


He was hit in the eye like a cold bullet.

Invincible, that is, the whole body is invincible, not to mention the eyes, even if you eat the atomic bomb, it will not blow up his intestines and stomach.

"Little brother, you can't learn how to be a man. You can learn by sneaking."

Lin Fei stares at the monster and says.

Just hit, it was the kind of hair that had been burned by myself.

I didn't know what part of the hair was before, but now I can see clearly that it was spitting out of the monster's mouth.

At the thought that he had touched this thing with his hand, Lin Fei felt very uncomfortable.

"You die for me!"

He said, then stood in the sky, a blow at the monster.

Lin Fei had already moved his heart.



There was a sudden shock in the dense forest, and then four people a few miles away saw a mushroom cloud rising in the depth of the forest

"What's that? Nuclear weapons exploded in it?"

The girl said in shock.

Ye Yuxue was stunned for a moment, but soon thought that it might be Lin Fei's arm.

Lin Fei was the only one who could make such a scene.

"I don't know."

The S-class man, pale, guessed that it was not a nuclear explosion, but a battle triggered explosion.

What kind of strength is it to be able to explode mushroom clouds?

SS class?


He doesn't know.

The only thing he knew was that the S-class would never do that.

"Is it the monster?" He was despairing in his heart. When he had a fight before, he found that the other side didn't give his best and even let himself go.

It was strange at the time.

Now I understand, the other party is playing himself as a monkey!


At this time, a few people in front of the Bush suddenly heard a strange noise.

In addition to Ye Yuxue, the other three were all on guard.

"My own people."

Lin Fei came out of the Bush and said calmly, "you still have a lot of strength. You can be alert."

The woman holding the S-level ability was shocked to see Lin Fei and said, "you are back."

Knowing what he meant, Lin Fei asked, "do I look like I'm going to die?"

As a result, the woman nodded seriously.

All three nodded heavily.

Lin Fei:

"Well, I've got rid of those monsters, and I'll take you out of here." He said.

"How could it be?" The three were shocked.

"Did you make the explosion just now?" Asked the woman.

Yes, yes Lin Fei said, "with a little bit of strength, it's like this."

At the beginning, he felt bad when he hit the fist, and he stopped in time. Otherwise, it would be more than a mushroom cloud.

As a result, the woman was incredulous.

"You don't look like a strong man." She said so.

"You're not far away, you're wandering around until you see the explosion and you're back."

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