It seems to fit into the whole world!

In fact, this backpack can really fit into the whole world, or, as long as it can hold things, Linfei can put the world in.

The girl took vegetables and pork into the kitchen. She was extremely distressed and washed the vegetables with mineral water, and could be used to flush the toilet.

Ye Yuxue has been cooking since she was a child, and she has exquisite cooking skills. She always cooks at home.

She likes cooking. When her mother was still alive, she told her that if she wanted to catch a man, she had to catch his stomach first.

It's just that since the end of the world, there has been no chance to cook.

First, she simply made a scallion green stewed lettuce, then steamed yellow croaker and sweet and sour spareribs, which she wanted to stop.

But since the awakening, she felt very hungry.

Take a look at the side, there are many ingredients, so they continue to do, green and red double cooked pork, red braised pig's feet.

"Make a soup."

She thought for a while, and then made a fish head tofu soup, and then stopped.

"I don't know if I can finish it." She murmured.

When she brought the food up, Lin Fei's eyes suddenly brightened, to see the quality of these dishes, even better than their own!

The fragrance is also more attractive.

"It's amazing." Lin Fei thinks that he seems to have picked up a super powerful chef.

"Try it."

This is the first time for a boy to cook. She is a little nervous.

Lin Fei picked up a piece of spareribs, tasted it, and immediately put up his thumb.

"Too strong!"

"This is the best sweet and sour spareribs I've ever had," he exclaimed

"That's good."

After being satisfied with the evaluation, the girl laughed happily and served Lin Fei and herself.

In the end, 80% of the food was destroyed by her.

Because she always felt hungry.

I didn't eat much last night. I got sick again in the morning, and then I experienced another mutation.

"If you don't have enough, you can keep cooking." Lin Fei said that he didn't need the food.

"No more."

The girl's cheek is slightly red, and a pot of rice is almost eaten by herself, which is a bit humiliating.

"It's a blessing to eat." Lin Fei sighed: "I really envy you that you will not be fat after eating too much."

The girl laughed and immediately said, "the water is boiling. I'll take a bath first."

Run away.

In the bathroom, she took a look at her barren chest and thought, "I wish I could be fat."

Lin Fei sat on the sofa and had enough to eat and drink. Now he feels that the most correct choice after he came here is to leave the girl beside him.

What if she's no better?

Anyway, monsters can't stop their own moves.

The main thing is that the food she cooked was delicious!

"It's a salted fish that you can feel at ease." Lin Fei thought of it in his heart, and then his mind drifted farther and farther: "maybe you can take her home and introduce her to her parents."

Think too far, think too far, Lin Fei shook his head.

The next day.

The girl got up early and made breakfast.

When Lin Fei wakes up, he goes to the living room and has a look. Breakfast is ready.

"Have breakfast after washing." The girl smiles.

Her cheeks were red, because when she woke up this morning, she found herself holding Linfei firmly.

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