The moon is high.

Lin Fei sits on the stone, the moonlight spreads on his body, as if to cover him with a layer of silver, there are countless bodies under the stone.

He is an invincible but lonely God of war.

Behind him suddenly came the sound of rustling rope. Lin Fei immediately let go of the bow in his hand and let it fall to the ground and disappear in the grass.

"You really don't sleep."

Uncle's voice sounded behind him.

"If you don't feel sleepy, you won't sleep." Lin Fei answered calmly.

"I'm even going to suspect that you're an S-level power like me." "But I don't feel the power from you," he said with a smile

"You should have no powers."

"You're right. I don't have powers." Lin Fei nodded.

He has no powers, only instinct, the power to control cause and effect.

And those who control the wind, snow, thunder and lightning are derived from the cause and effect.

The reason why she said that she had a power was S-level ability because ye Yuxue wanted to have a power and wanted to be an S-level ability.

"No powers..."

The uncle was suddenly embarrassed because he thought he had mentioned another pain in Linfei.

"That doesn't matter." He comforted Lin Fei and said, "I will protect you along the way."

He thought Lin Fei was really pathetic.

The woman has run away, and she has no power.

Maybe it's because he doesn't have powers that the woman runs away.

Perhaps now all and other men on good, Lin Fei also silly chase past.

Uncle worried that when he saw the result, Lin Fei would go crazy on the spot.

"You'd better go with him and have a look." Uncle thought of it silently.

It's getting light.


All of a sudden, a scream woke the others up.

"What's the matter?"

All of them immediately jumped out of the straw nest and asked nervously.

"Down here!"

Uncle's face was shocked and pointed to the grass below.

Other people also look down, followed by a daze.

Because they could see clearly that there were countless zombies and monsters lying on the grass below.

This is last night, quietly close!

"Uncle, you've done a good job!"

The captain slapped the uncle on the shoulder with a smile. If those zombies were near at night, I'm afraid there would be a lot of trouble.

"No, I didn't do it." Uncle quickly waved his hand.

It was because he had not done this scene that he began to cry.

When did these zombies and monsters approach and when were they killed?

He sat here all night and saw nothing.

"No kidding."

Someone said with a smile, "the strongest person here is you. If it's not you, is it still the captain who sleepwalks to do it?"

"I don't know."

Uncle a dignified face said: "last night I sat all night, and Lin Fei chat, but we two people nothing abnormal."

"It turned out this morning."

It suddenly occurred to him that Lin Fei might have done it.

Just thinking about it, it's impossible.

"Did Lin Fei do it?" The captain asked curiously.

"It's impossible." Uncle was the first to retort and said, "I learned from my chat last night that Lin Fei has no powers..."

At this point, everyone else understands.

What's more, they all showed sympathy and pity.

Lin Fei rolled his eyes and said, "if you're OK, go on your way."

Don't bother to explain. Going to the magic city is the most important thing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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