"What shall we do now? It's getting dark. "

A member of the team asked nervously that such a thing had never happened before.

The captain looked up at the sky. It was really dark. According to intuition, it would be completely dark in more than half an hour.

"Find a place to rest." "Keep calm, we'll find a way out tomorrow," the captain ordered


Lin Fei murmured and looked up at the dark sky. He didn't think it would be a peaceful night.

How to live till tomorrow is a question.

It used to be a city. It's very simple to find a place to live in.

"I always feel that something bad is going to happen." By the fire, uncle frowned.


As soon as his voice dropped, there was a strange sound outside.

"There's a situation!"

The captain responded quickly, waved his hand, put out the campfire, and then quickly approached the window.

"Don't talk." He whispered to the others.

Everyone nodded and moved cautiously to the window.

By the moonlight, they saw a scene that they would never forget.

Standing up from the ground, I'm tired of walking.

The strange sound just now is from these bones.

A group of several people, all looked stupefied.

Even the S-level powers are no exception. They have seen all kinds of zombies, but they have never seen this strange scene in front of them.

Zombies can be explained by variation. What is the matter with these bones?

Only Lin Fei is still sitting in the same place.

As he expected, at night, the city is really in trouble. During the day, it is a dead city. At night, it will come back to life immediately!

Skeletons roam outside, mingling with zombies. Several people in the house are in cold sweat.

"This is a bad place." The captain said.

At this moment, all the skeletons suddenly turned their heads and looked at the house.

They're really just turning their heads. They're not moving.

The head suddenly turned around, or half a circle, staring at the direction of the house.

These white bones clearly have no eyes, but a few people in the house, still at this moment, their souls tremble, as if they were staring at by countless pairs of resentful eyes.


At this moment, a word came out of their hearts.

The present situation can not be explained by science!

"We seem to have been found." Lin Fei walked behind them and said faintly.


Without hesitation, the captain ordered directly.

In the face of the unknown, fear directly defeats reason. Where dare to fight?

"Run? It's no use. "

At this time, Lin Fei reached out and held the captain.

He looked at the skeletons coming up and said, "some technologies are beyond our imagination and become unscientific, just like magic."

"Whether you can fight well or not depends on your fist."

After that, Lin Fei wanted to go out.

As a result, he was also caught.

"You're right!"

It was the uncle who held him. The uncle firmly said, "I just lost my reason. Thanks to you, little brother."

"You're just an ordinary person, not their opponent. Let me do it!"

Say it.

Uncle directly smashed the wall, like a bull, straight towards the skeletons.


In an instant, broken bones fly.

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