
Lin Fei shook his head and thought, "where can I go now?"

After uncle was suppressed, more and more skeletons came towards this side.

The people in the house have been exposed for a long time. Now the biggest obstacle has been caught. The people in the house are all fish on the board.

"We can't run away." The captain said with an ugly face.

At least thousands of skeletons and Zombies surrounded the house.

Even though they are all A-level powers, ants often kill elephants, and they will eventually use up their strength, and there are countless skeletons.

It's just a dead end.

Lin Fei looks at the scene in front of him quietly. He just wants to make a move and suddenly stops.

He was afraid that one blow would kill his uncle.

Sigh in the heart, sometimes too strong, is also a kind of trouble.

But there are more ways than difficulties. Lin Fei thinks of a most comfortable way.

The dark night sky was suddenly torn by a big sun, and a golden globe was suspended above the city.

Warm light fell on the city, dispelling all the darkness.

Those skeletons and Zombies who were approaching suddenly shivered and slowed down a lot.


Uncle suddenly felt a powerful power can body into, almost burst him, as if a fire in the body!

With a roar, he grabbed the hand of the huge skeleton and broke it off.


Originally hard as iron bone, can not hold a minute, on the spot was broken by uncle.

Uncle fell down from the air, and suddenly a turbulent flame lit up on his body.

"I'm invincible!" he cried

Because Uncle clearly felt that the power source was pouring into his body.

Looking up at the sudden light ball, he already knew that all these changes were due to that light ball!

"Come again!"

The uncle looked at the huge skeleton and said, "either you or I die today."

The power in his body is surging, which has already overflowed the body and flowed around him, turning into the power of protecting the body.

At this moment, uncle's confidence soared and he felt invincible.

The skeleton can't talk. It's just a punch.

The uncle, with his waist crossed and motionless, resisted the blow with his chest.


It's like a flat thunder.

As a result, uncle didn't do anything at all. Instead, it was the huge skeleton, which was shocked by his own strength.

Three meters high figure, nearly fell.

"Didn't you eat, brother?"

Uncle laughed and patted himself on the chest, indicating that there was no pain at all.

"If you don't kill me, I'll kill you."

With that, he jumped up, swung his fist round, and hit the skull's head.

The skeleton reacted very quickly and tried to knock down uncle with another punch. As a result, his arm was hit by uncle.

That light not only enhances the powers, but also weakens all monsters except humans.

Today's skeletons are less than one tenth of their previous strength.

It was hung up and beaten by the uncle.

"You come out, this light can make us stronger." The uncle smashed the skull's head with one blow and then yelled to the rest of the house.

People in the house have long felt something wrong.

All of a sudden, uncle Shengsheng was killed, and the skeleton was destroyed.

So it is.

"Let's go out and get rid of those skeletons!" Cried the captain.

A group of people rushed out excitedly.

When I saw them for the first time, they were more excited.

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