It's coming?

Hearing Lin Fei's words, several people in the car were suddenly stunned.

Then he looked in the direction of the cry and saw a zombie crawling out.

The horses they sat on, as if they had seen a ghost, suddenly and crazily struggled to jolt the goods and people down.


Lin Fei took a look at the crazy horse. The horse immediately lowered its head and calmed down.

This scene, let a few people on the car look puzzled.

Just a word, actually quiet down?

But now, as they all know, that's not the point.

The captain took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He yelled to Lin Fei, "get in the car. The zombie is not the same as before. It's dangerous."

Lin Fei naturally knew that the zombie in front of him was different from any one he had seen before.

Because it has a very long knife in its hand.

It's more like a gate than a knife. It's two meters long, and the blade is shining with cold light.

When you drag this thing, there's sparks on the ground.

"This thing is more powerful than the S-class." Uncle on the car, said hard.

Then he also looked at Lin Fei and called, "get in the car and leave here. We can't beat him."

"Don't you want to go to Mordor to find someone else? You can't die here!"

Lin Fei squinted at the monster all the time.

From the first sight of the zombie, he felt something was wrong.

After watching for more than ten seconds, he finally understood where the anomaly was.

This zombie has a pair of human eyes. As he walks along, he cries, crying like a baby.

The most unusual thing is that its resentment has condensed into substance, which has changed some rules here.

"You can go first." "But if you want to leave the city alive, you have to beat the zombie," Lin said


There were a lot of people on the bus.

The captain immediately asked, "what do you mean by that?"

"The resentment of this zombie has affected the whole city. As long as it doesn't die, we will never get out."

"How could that happen?" The captain lost his mind.

The others were desperate.

"How could that happen?" Lin Fei laughed and said, "that's about to ask it."

Qiang -

just at this moment, the zombie suddenly screamed and rushed to Lin Fei with a long knife.

The hard ground was cut open by the sharp blade. The cold light flashed, and the blade had reached Lin Fei's neck.


The people in the car screamed with fright at the scene.

The zombie was so fast, like a flash of lightning, they didn't even have time to react.

Wait to see clearly, saw the Zombie's knife in the hand of Lin Fei's neck.


As a result, they were stunned again with a crisp sound.

The sharp blade, heavily cut in Linfei's neck, the result of the spark splash, Lin Fei's neck nothing, but the blade broke, one end of the rotating fly out.

Lin Fei stretched out a finger calmly on his face and removed the knife from his neck.

He said, "I don't pretend. I'm a big guy."

Several people in the car looked at the scene in front of them.

For a long time.

The captain just spat two words out of his mouth.

Wipe me

Lin Fei bent his finger and flicked the knife in the Zombie's hand. Then he looked at it and said, "will you speak?"

In response to him, it was just a cry.

Lin Fei had no choice but to smash it into powder. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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