"Evil house?"

These two words attract Lin Fei's attention.

When he thought of the feeling that he had just been staring at, he felt that it was not so simple.

This is a world near collapse, the world changes, mysterious existence invades, and he will not feel surprised when some strange things come out.

"What do you mean?"

He replied with a card, then opened the other party's information to check.

Fairy princess.

"Because of her good heart and the ability to heal, she was called the fairy princess."

It's like this in the introduction.

Take a look at the picture, it is really a very beautiful girl.


At this moment, the other side replied.

Open a message to see, see the other side said: "this should start from two years ago."

"One night two years ago, there was an earthquake here, and three members of the villa fled in a hurry. When they got to the door, the door suddenly collapsed."

"Three members of a family were killed at the same time."

"I thought it was just like this, but the real horror is just beginning."

"The next day, I don't know who repaired the collapsed door, but there were three more paper men where the three people died."

"The paper men were taken away and burned, but on the third day, they reappeared and changed places."

"Sometimes they're in the kitchen, sometimes in the bed, and they're almost alive."

Finally, the other side added.

"You'd better get out of that villa. Although we are powers, it's still difficult to solve these supernatural things."

"If you don't have a place to live, you can come and live with me first." Said the fairy princess.

After reading the story, Lin Fei was silent for a long time.


The labor union even assigned itself a ghost house?

He moved his finger and was about to reply to something when he suddenly felt a chill behind him.

Lin Fei felt something and immediately turned around. When he saw what was in front of him, his heart stopped.

A paper man!

Judging from the clothes she was wearing, she was a woman with blood on her face and a red robe. She stood ten meters in front of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei remembers clearly that there is no such thing just now.

Although he knew that the other party was not his opponent, Lin Fei felt a little frightening when he saw this kind of thing for the first time.

Just like humans can easily crush cockroaches, but many people are still afraid of cockroaches.

If you can see clearly, Lin Fei is not afraid.

If people saw this thing, they would have run away.

As a result, Lin Fei is good and strides towards the paper man.

In his hands, a flame was burning.

"If you dare to scare me, I'll kill you today, and I'll show you all the ashes!"

Seeing that Lin Fei was not afraid, the paper man turned out a fire instead, and it panicked.

Afraid of it because of fire!

So, the paper man rushed to the villa without hesitation.


"Can you run away?"

Lin Fei flashed to the paper man and held the other party's shoulder.

The paper man still wants to resist. It seems that he has great strength, but he can't beat Lin Fei. The floor is cracked and it can't break Lin Fei's hand.

"Are you really a paper man?"

Lin Fei is not afraid. Instead, he is interested. He takes the flame and reaches out to tear the paper man's body.

Tear and pull -

it's really empty. The thing in front of you is really a paper man.

"No fun. Go to hell."

Lin Fei raised his hand and burned the paper man.

Then a calm face said: "where are the other two?"

"I'll send you down for a reunion."

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