Without waiting for yunruoyan to say anything, Lin Fei took the initiative to catch the hot handle.


A white fog rose from Lin Fei's hand, but Lin Fei was calm.

Cloud like smoke, see this scene, face color slightly changed.

"Your hands are not ripe, are they?" She asked with concern.

"Little scene." Lin Fei, carrying a pot of water, walked quickly into the bathroom.

She took out three buckets and gave her a bucket and a half of cold water. When she took a bath, she could adjust the water temperature by herself.

"Where did you get the bucket?" Walk into the bathroom, cloud if smoke is another Leng.

Where did the bucket come from, eh?

Meow, meow, meow?

"I went out first." But Lin Fei didn't answer her plan. Seeing Yun Ruoyan come in, he went out with the pot. He had to burn his own.

As the night gets deeper and deeper, Lin Fei takes out his mobile phone and takes a look at the time.

It's already over nine.

Yunruoyan stayed in the bathroom for more than half an hour, but he didn't come out. The water in the pot in front of Lin Fei was boiling, not to mention it was hot.

"Women are troublesome." He murmured, and then stopped the fire in his hand.

Huhu -

just then, Lin Fei suddenly felt a sharp cold wind blowing.

It's like the wind in the cold winter. It's really piercing and makes people's spine cold.

Feeling something, Lin Fei immediately looked up at the door of the villa. As a result, it was dark and nothing happened.

"I'm ready."

Just as he stood up and was ready to take a closer look, the voice of cloud like smoke came from behind him.

Looking back, yunruoyan has come out in pajamas.

"Still wearing this one?"

Lin Fei found out that she was still wearing the unwashed pajamas.

"I don't have any other clothes." Yun Ruoyan's face was slightly red, and she finally took a comfortable hot bath. As a result, she also didn't want to wear such uncomfortable clothes.

"I have." Lin Fei said.

My pocket is too small. The bottle of water is OK. I have to rely on my backpack to get clothes.

When he returned to his room, he quickly came out with some clean clothes, some of which he usually wore and some that he wore at night.

"You..." Yun Ruoyan's face changed, surprised: "how do you have so many girls' clothes?"

"Are you?"

She looks at Lin Fei with a pair of abnormal eyes.

"It's my girlfriend's Lin Fei said calmly.

"Your girlfriend?" Cloud like smoke blinked his eyes.

"I went to take a bath." Lin Fei did not intend to explain, carrying a pot of boiling water into the bathroom.

"How could he have a girlfriend?"

Yun Ruoyan is full of thoughts about this problem.

"But now, his girlfriend is not around. Can we say that his girlfriend has..."

she covered her mouth and was shocked: "did I just get involved in his sad matter?"

"When he comes out, you must apologize to him."

But at this time, a cold wind blowing, let her body tremble, spine hair cold.

She subconsciously looked at the door of the villa, suddenly stunned, seriously emerged a touch of fear!

I wipe, by Lin Fei distracted attention, forget business!

At this moment, yunruoyan's heart and mind are shaking, something big happened!

Lin Fei took a good bath and walked out of the bathroom. After several days of busy work, Lin Fei finally took a warm bath with laundry songs. It was really relaxing.

However, at this time, cloud Ruoyan suddenly appeared in front of him.

Just want to say what, cloud if smoke suddenly embrace oneself, a mouth blocked up.

Lin Fei was stunned.

Yunruoyan blocked his mouth with his mouth?!

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