"Is there anything ordinary about S-level powers?" Lin Fei asked Yun Ruoyan.

Cloud if smoke Leng for a moment, do not know how to answer.

It seems like this.

Who can become an S-level ability? Who is ordinary?

"Why are you not afraid?" Yunruoyan changed another problem. When she first saw that thing, she was scared to be weak.

It's not that I haven't tried to fight back, but it doesn't seem to die.

If you knock it down, you can stand up immediately and kill it with a more terrifying gesture.

Scared her out of her armor.

But today, Lin Fei's performance really shocked her.

He didn't even fear it. He dared to go to the other party's trouble on his own initiative.

"Why fear?" Lin Fei asked again.

"Because those things are not human beings. They have no life and can't die." Yun Ruoyan has a reason this time.

Lin Fei said, "but they are still dead."

He reached out and patted Yun Ruoyan on the shoulder and said, "you just feel that those things can't be killed just because you are afraid."

"If a man is killed, he will die, and so will everything else."

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Yun Ruoyan calms down two points.

"You are indeed from other places."

After a moment's silence, she suddenly said so.

"What do you mean?" Lin Fei is a little puzzled. How can this be related to his business from other places?

Is there any secret here, such as those things, which can only be killed by outsiders?

"Because you're not from here, you don't know what happened here, so you won't be afraid."

Yun Ruoyan asked Lin Fei, "when you first came over, did you find that the devil was surrounded by mountains, and it was still very cold?"

Lin Fei nodded. He felt very strange when he saw this.

A city in the mountains, traffic conditions must be very poor, why can become a magic city?

"Before, demons were not like this."

"A year ago, the terrain here was flat, warm in winter and cool in summer, with a pleasant climate," Yun Ruoyan explained

"But one day, a group of mountains rose suddenly near here. Many people went into the mountains to explore secrets, but they never appeared again."

She was silent for a moment.

Then he said, "maybe...

" what's the matter? " Lin Fei sees the cloud like smoke, a pair of want to talk but stop appearance.

"Nothing." Yun Ruoyan shook his head and said, "in fact, they are not disappeared."

"Because they appeared again in the city."

She paused and said, "it's just, it's just going to be at night."

Hearing what she said, Lin Fei understood immediately.

"The paper man just now?"

Yun Ruoyan nodded and said, "yes, those people seem to have encountered something in the mountains. When they appear in the city again, they have already died and become those things."

Lin Fei frowns slightly, immediately started perspective, looking out of the villa.

It's a long way.

I saw a lot of things I didn't see during the day.

Sure enough, just like the paper man, really more than one.

In the busy street, there is no living person in sight. The door of every family is closed, and even the powers can't see it.

"What about the powers?" Lin Fei asked yunruoyan.

"They're all hiding." Yun Ruoyan said, "I'm also an S-level talent, but as I said before, they don't seem to die. If they are knocked down, they will stand up immediately."

"It's strange." Lin Fei murmured.

But even more strange things have been seen, it is not strange.

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