Little white face.

And when several people are ready to walk to the middle of the bridge, the noise around, suddenly quiet down.

Everyone held their breath and watched everything on the bridge.

It's in the middle!

Boom -

the bridge suddenly vibrated, and the river below seemed to be boiling and rolling.


The next moment, a tentacle with a width of more than 10 meters pierced out of the river and smashed at the three people in the middle of the bridge.

This tentacle is as long as 100 meters, and it looks a little towering.

"Spread out!"

A flash of light in Zhang longan immediately ordered, and then the three figures scattered from the original place, shooting in three directions.

At the same time, they also launched an offensive.

A man was walking in the air with wind under his feet. He gathered Qi into a blade and cut it off with a sword of 100 meters.


The ten meter thick hand immediately spattered with blood.

The sword will not fall.

The light in another man's hand flashed, and a light gun appeared in his hand, and then he threw it away.


The light gun almost penetrated the tentacle.

It's a pity that it's not good enough. It's just a flood of blood.

At this time, Zhang Long suddenly burst into flames, and the hot flames twisted the air.


A big drink, the flame immediately in his side condensed into a flame dragon, and then a push, the fire dragon will directly hit out.


When the fire dragon collided with the tentacle, there was a loud noise.

Then they saw a piece of tentacle whirling and flying up, hitting the bridge deck heavily, causing a shock to the ground.

"Too strong!"

People around immediately cheered.

"You are worthy of being an adult, the favored son of heaven. You can join hands and be invincible in the world."

Lin Fei shook his head.

"The trio joined hands to break a tentacle, and they are doomed." Lin Fei whispered to the girl.

The girl nodded and agreed.

And on the bridge.

Before they could breathe, two tentacles suddenly came out from under the water.

These two tentacles are bigger and longer than the one in front!

It is more than 200 meters long and 20 meters wide. As soon as it is smashed down, the bridges made of reinforced concrete are directly broken.

The man flying in the sky with the help of the strong wind can't dodge. He is drawn by a tentacle, and his body immediately splits. He falls down from the sky like a meteorite and smashes on the bridge deck in a mess. His blood flows like no money.

"Not good!"

The man with the power of light turns around and wants to run.

But as soon as he turned around, he was stunned.

And it's on the bridge, and it's coming down.

More than 20 meters high, even if they have powers, they can't escape, and these tentacles are so fast!


A dull sound, he can not avoid the sweeping hand, immediately hit the body split, blood spatter.


With a scream, he spun and flew out, as miserable as the man in front of him.

Zhang long is the only one left on the bridge.

It all happened so fast, so suddenly, people who were just cheering shut up in this moment.

All looked at the bridge deck in horror.

In a flash, two people were defeated, only Zhang long was left!

On the bridge.

Zhang long looked at the two tentacles in front of him in horror. He thought that this was a simple battle. With his ability, he could easily end the battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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