"Sober up!"

Without hesitation, Lin Fei raised his hand and patted on yunruoyan's buttocks.


A crisp sound, cloud like smoke face red, wake up.

"What are you doing? It's very painful to hit someone suddenly She stares at Lin Fei and reaches out to rub herself.

She didn't seem to know what had just happened.

Lin Fei, with no expression on his face, said, "you almost lost your mind just now."


before a word was said, she suddenly stopped, and then a look of madness appeared in her eyes and began to struggle to get out of Lin Fei's arms.

Because she saw the giant again!

Lin Fei was speechless. He always thought that the gods were just stronger than ordinary people.

I didn't expect to have this ability.

Look at it and you're crazy?

After another look at the cloud Ruoyan on her chest, Lin Fei realizes that it is no way to go on like this. As long as she wakes up Yun Ruoyan, she will continue to lose her way.


A power came to his mind.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fei used this ability. He raised his left hand, and a golden flag suddenly appeared in his hand.


Lin Fei put the flag on the ground. When the ground shook, a circle with a radius of more than 10 meters appeared. In this circle, the holy light was bright.

Crazy cloud like smoke was covered by the light of that moment, suddenly stopped, and then in the eyes to restore a trace of Qingming.

Cloud Ruoyan wakes up and finds that he is holding Linfei tightly like an octopus.

Before she could be shy, she was frightened to find that she was still biting Lin Fei's chest, and her saliva had wet people's lapels.


There was a trace of confusion in her eyes.

The fear was lost.

Because she didn't know what happened, how could she be so good that she was holding Lin Fei to gnaw?

"What's wrong with me?"

In a flash, she thought of a lot, because those zombies eat people, like to hold people to gnaw!

You're not going to become a zombie?

Think of here, cloud Ruoyan's eyes are red.

She raised her head, looked at Lin Fei pitifully, and said, "if I'm not saved, kill me. I want to die in your hands. It will look better."

"Don't think about it." Lin Fei raised his hand around her waist, pulled her down and put her aside.

"You're fine, just because you just saw the giant and you're insane."

Lin Fei explained.

"Well, you scared me. I thought I was a zombie."

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Yun Ruoyan is relieved.

At this time, she noticed that there was a light array around her.

"What is this?" She said curiously.

"It's something to protect you. It's a power of mine. As long as you're in this circle, you won't get mad by looking at the gods."

Not only that.

As long as you're in this circle, the damage, powers, etc. of the power will recover quickly.

The various abilities of the body will also be greatly enhanced.

"So strong!"

She was shocked. First, she was shocked by Lin Fei's ability. Second, she was shocked that Lin Fei had such a power!


At this time, the distant vibration brought her back to her senses.

Looking in the direction of the vibration, she saw the giant again, but this time, she didn't go crazy again.

"Is this the evil god?"

"Too big!"

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