Is that a creature?

They may have existed since the birth of the universe, or they may have been a little later.

But in any case, they are the most terrifying existence.

Because they have the perfect defense system - they don't die.

We used to call them "lonely assassins.".

When observed, they are ordinary statues, but if your attention is removed from it, they will approach you and steal your time.

No one knows where they come from, but they are as old as the universe.


"there is no record in the book here."

Lin Fei looked through the book again and again, but could not find the following part.

"I don't know what it says. I don't read much."

After that, he stood beside the cloud and looked at the content.

What angels, assassins, statues, exist or not, and steal time?

Lin Fei thought for a moment and explained to her, "it should be said that this thing is very hard. When you meet it, you should always stare at it, or it will kill you."

Thinking about this, he thought of scp-173.

It is a monster, it has the most solid body, also can not kill, but also people have to watch, or it will break the neck of people.

There are too many similarities with the angel in this record.

"173 of the different world?"

Lin Fei laughs, no matter what it is, he always hits him with a blow.

See if your body is hard, or second kill stronger!

"If you don't look at it, you'll be killed?" Yun Ruoyan frowned. This killing method is beyond her imagination and makes her feel afraid.

Cloud if smoke thought for a while, then said: "let's go to find help."

She went on to say, "I have a friend who is B-level, but she has two abilities. One is to be able to see far away, and the other is to be able to see things within ten meters around her."


Lin Fei is a little surprised that he still has this ability?

360 degrees no dead angle observation?

Maybe against the angel, this ability is very useful!

"Well, go to your friend." Lin Fei nodded and agreed, as long as you can always look at the angel, then the angel will be harmless.

Yunruoyan points the way, and Linfei takes her to fly. They soon return to the meeting.

"Follow me."

Yun Ruoyan took Lin Fei's hand and walked quickly. Before he came to a bungalow, there were more than a dozen families living in the house, all of them were B-level talents.

Only a level s power can live in a villa.

B class, can only live in a humble apartment.

"Half busy, brother."

Yun Ruoyan brings her friend out. He is a young man. He is a little stiff, like a shy child.

"Oh, don't be shy. You can't find a girlfriend after that." Cloud if smoke see him a shy appearance, can't help joking way.

Take him to Lin Fei, she and Lin Fei introduce each other.

"He's my friend. You can call him clairvoyant."

Then she introduced Lin Fei to the man: "he is my friend. Although he is very cold, he is very strong, much stronger than me. This time, he will take us to save the world."

Originally, the man was looking at Lin Fei.

I'm still curious about who the other party is.

But now, when he heard about saving the world, he turned pale.

"I can't do it."

"No, you can do it." Not waiting for Yun Ruoyan to persuade him, an old voice suddenly rings behind Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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