
The man lay on the ground and rolled over.

His arm really broke, a punch typing Angel body, feedback back strength, directly broke his hand.

You can see the bones.

Originally, there were many people who were excited and wanted to come up and kick, but when they saw this scene, they were scared on the spot.

Yun Ruoyan didn't expect this result.

Because she saw with her own eyes, Lin Fei could kick an angel with one foot, and thought those angels were vulnerable.

Now it seems that Lin Fei is too strong.

When she saw the angel, she panicked, but soon calmed down.

Here, it's because she has seen angels twice and knows more.

"Don't get excited. Calm down first."

Cloud Ruoyan said loudly, in a critical moment, the more anxious, the more prone to problems.

Only by being calm and calm can we find a solution to the problem.

She went on to say, "everyone looks at the angels and leaves here in an orderly way."

It's written in the book that angels can't be killed, so a group of people stand here and spend hard. It doesn't have any effect, it will only increase the burden on the heart.

But her words are just Luo Xia.

Boom -

the thick gate of the guild is closing slowly and automatically!

Only a few of them ran out.

With a loud noise, the door closed tightly, and the whole hall suddenly became dark.

Those who didn't run out, close to the gate, began to open the door.

But the door, even like a thousand pounds of stone, how can not move, the door can not open, more can not be removed.

"Tear down the wall!"

Some people think so.

But when his voice fell, there was no follow-up.

It's so dark here that a group of people squint and can't see.

Cloud if smoke suddenly thought of something, quickly called: "quick, quickly turn on the light!"

Close to the light switch, immediately respond and turn on the light.

When the whole hall brightened up again, everyone was startled.

The two angels, who had covered their faces, were standing in front of a man with their hands raised as if they were going out to eat people.

The man was so scared by the scene that he sat on the ground and almost urinated.

On the other side of the gate, there were dozens of people standing, but now, none of them are found.

Only a few people just escaped.

What about the rest?

Cloud if smoke thought of the angel's ability, can't help but look dignified.

"Everyone, now move to the back of the guild, tear down the walls inside, and leave."

Now can still keep calm, only cloud if smoke a person.

Hearing her words, those talents woke up like a dream and rushed to the back of the guild.

But just at this moment, the lights above the people's heads began to flash!

The old man told Ye Feng that the angel had the ability to control the light, but he didn't tell Yun Ruoyan.

Because he didn't expect that yunruoyan would step into the muddy water.

The lights were flashing.

"Look at them!"

Soon there were people screaming.

Cloud if smoke staring at the two angels, she found that when the lights go down, they will act.

"Who has the fire ability, light up here, others speed up."

Cloud if smoke says loudly.

Angel and her, just less than 100 meters apart, according to the current frequency of light flashing, at most one minute, they will come.

If there is a flame, it may last longer.

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