"There's no ash left this time!"

Cloud if smoke excitedly cries: "this kind of attack is useful!"

In fact, she did not understand.

Why are all the same fists, which used to hit the angels, can only smash them into powder, but now they can make the ashes of angels disappear?

I want to ask, but I don't know how to ask.

But Lin Fei saw that his attack was effective, and the corners of his mouth could not help rising slightly.

This seemingly invincible angel is finally restrained!

Bang bang!

There is nothing to be hesitant about. Lin Fei makes a decisive move and blows two fists on the remaining two angels.

The two angels are ferocious, but they are still erased by the power of cause and effect.

"It's a pity."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"What a pity?" Cloud if smoke don't understand to ask, such terrible angel has been removed, why does Lin Fei still put on a look of regret?

Lin Fei shook his head and did not explain.

The reason why he feels sorry is that the power of cause and effect can not erase the influence of angels before.

Maybe people have lost the memory of angels.

But those who have been assimilated, and those who have been deprived of time, will not come back.

Yunruoyan is watching the angel disappear, so she has not been erased about the angel's memory.

"At last, I can have a good night's sleep." Yun Ruoyan doesn't understand why Lin Fei sighs, but she thinks that the elimination of angels is something to celebrate.

She felt it was over.

Because when I was in the villa, I only saw two angels.

Lin Fei didn't feel that way.

Because everything happened so fast, from meeting an angel to solving an angel, it was only half a day.

It's incredibly fast.

"It shouldn't be over yet." Lin Fei poured a basin of cold water on Yun Ruoyan.

Now relax your vigilance for fear that something will happen.


Cloud if smoke Leng for a moment, looked up at Lin Fei puzzled, way: "the angel was not destroyed by you?"

Lin Fei asked her, "are you sure there are only two angels?"

Cloud if smoke immediately dumb, can't answer up, because really have no way to be sure.

"If angels were so easy to destroy, she wouldn't have reminded me." Lin Fei said that, you know, at the beginning, Miss mask, but seriously reminded himself.

"What are we going to do next?"

Cloud Ruoyan is nervous again. He is hairy at the thought that the angel may be staring at himself in the dark.


Lin Fei thought about it carefully.

These angels are hidden in the dark and hard to find, but they definitely need energy to survive.

It's going to be at the rally.

"After what happened just now, there should be many people who know the existence of angels. As long as any Angel appears, the news will be spread out for the first time."

Hearing Lin Fei's analysis, Yun Ruoyan thinks about it seriously.

It seems that there is a little truth.

"Miss Ben is still helpful." She said with a happy smile.

Then she asked, "now, shall we wait here?"


Lin Fei immediately knocked her on the head.


"Now, of course, running."

After that, he flew away with cloud like smoke in one hand.

"Run what?" Yun Ruoyan is shocked. What kind of enemy can make Lin Fei choose to escape?

"I just demolished all guilds in order to save you. If I don't run, what can I do if I make compensation later? Have you been sold? "

Yun Ruoyan: "......

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