Before the angel's power form, let them be choked.

Now the angel has evolved a new form. He has restrained his invisibility and learned powerful swordsmanship. How to fight?

"I have to run away."

There is no other choice.

This monster has surpassed s level, it is not what they can deal with.

Pa Pa Pa Da --

just as several people were preparing to escape, they suddenly heard a string of footsteps behind them.

All of them turned around subconsciously and saw a handsome young man walking slowly with a sword in his hand.

And when you see this person clearly, everyone is stunned.

"It's him!"

"Sword God!"

Legend of magic capital, once killed three SS level monsters, invincible sword God!

"The sword God is here. We are saved." Several people got excited.

The sword God didn't look at these people. He just took a long sword and walked slowly from them.

His eyes are only the SS monster.

Whoosh -

as he walked through here, his clothes and robes were windless, and his body was shining with light, as if the true God had come.

Several people just look at it, there is an impulse to kneel in the heart.

"This is the sword God, the real God!"

Several people were shocked. It was the first time that I had a close contact with the sword God.

Is this SS level power?

Not only is the strength of a qualitative leap, but also around a certain aura, but close, will be affected.


The angel suddenly started to chop down the long sword in his hand and cut out a sword spirit.

The sword spirit dragged a white practice and went straight to the sword God.


The sword God looks calm and stabs forward with his long sword. A cold light flashes here.


The two sword Qi collided in the air and suddenly exploded. The fierce wind made several people in the distance unable to open their eyes.

For a long time, the wind was blowing away.

Open your eyes again, the scene in front of them frightens them.

The street was torn by the strong wind just now. One person and one angel were still standing in the same place, but there was a ditch more than ten meters wide between them.

"Is this SS power?"

"This sword can easily wipe out S-level monsters!"


Just then, the sword God moved.

His toes were light, and he flew over the ditch more than ten meters long and kicked the angel with one foot.


The angel blocks the foot with his body and stabs out a sword.


The sword God flies the attack of the other side with a sword, and at the same time goes around behind the angel and cuts out dozens of sword lights in an instant.

His swordsmanship is flexible and elegant, not the kind of killing and cutting in front of the enemy.


At that moment when the sword was dim, the angel's wings suddenly exploded and were cut into pieces. At the same time, there were many deep visible bone injuries on its back.

The sword God seized the opportunity and wanted to pierce the angel with a sword.

But then the angel turned and looked at him coldly.


The sword God succeeded. He pierced the angel with a sword, then pulled it out horizontally and cut off half of the angel's body.

"Did you succeed?"

The people in the distance cried out excitedly when they saw this scene.

Worthy of being the sword God.

In the face of such a powerful opponent, he ended the other party in an instant!

But the next moment, the excitement on their faces solidified.

Because the fatal wound brought by that sword was recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The angel drove back the sword God with a sword.

But the sword God looked indifferent and said softly, "I know your weakness." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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