This is the third time the monster has been killed.

The result is still resurrected, and it evolves again, and it looks so much stronger than before.

Several people present were in despair.

How do you do this?

If you are killed, you will evolve. This monster will only fight more bravely!

Just then, the monster's eyes fell on them.

These people's bodies immediately tightened and their backs were cold, because there was an illusion that they were being watched by wild animals.

The angel stepped forward and walked slowly to several people.

Feeling that he was about to make a move, the angel suddenly spoke and asked several people: "where was the man just now?"

He's looking for the sword God.

Because it was the sword God who killed him, and now only the sword God can fight against him.

That's half an opponent.

Hearing the angel speak, the fear in the hearts of several S-level powers becomes more and more intense.

Originally, he was just a little boy who couldn't speak, but now it has evolved into a powerful existence that can speak. It's just like a god!

"Go, go away." The man with a scar on his face replied nervously.

He worried that after answering, he would be solved by the angel.

But the angel did not pay attention to them. After getting the answer, the angel said, "I will put your life here first, and then I will come back to take it later."


After that, he bent his legs slightly and jumped suddenly, and the cement road under his feet exploded.

He shot up into the sky like a rocket and soon disappeared.

There are only a few people looking at each other.

"What to do?"

They are more flustered now.

The angel once again evolved, and took the initiative to seek revenge for the sword God.

According to the previous two evolutions, this angel will imitate each other's ability, and can restrain each other.

"The sword God is not in danger?"

They are nervous.

Scar man was also afraid, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "the sword God will be OK, because he has defeated three SS level monsters."

"What are you doing here?"

And at this time, a strange voice suddenly sounded behind them.

Several people a Leng, this voice is not an angel.

So he quickly looked back and saw a strange man and a familiar woman.

"Fairy princess."

They were surprised to see the clouds.

According to the law, this kind of mission is impossible to appear.

And who is the man beside her?

When these people are looking at Lin Fei, Lin Fei is also looking at them.

He had just seen the explosion far away.

Come and see, the enemy did not, but the ground was bombed one after another.

In the distance, there was a young man with a broken arm and a bald man with a hole in his chest.

In the distance, there are people and monsters who die together.

There was a big war here.

But it seems to be over, and the result is that the man and the monster die together?


But Lin Fei's idea just fell, and a few meters behind him suddenly exploded.

A flame broke the house and rose high.


Just as everyone's eyes fell on the flame, there was a sudden shock behind them.

It seems that something suddenly fell behind them!

Those S-level powers, stiff, turn around.

See the scene in front of you, pupil shrinks suddenly! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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